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| December 14, 2009 @ 5:59am | I have added the missing table ec-Discounts (didn't notice any other new ones starting ec- ) to the db and when I click on Mark order Recieved or Shipped I now get
Fatal error: Call to undefined function GetTimestamp() in /hermes/bosweb/web285/b2858/apo.uzayke/mydivision.co.uk/inc-ec-admin-store-orders-modify.php on line 191
I did take this section and added it to the index.php file I am using,
// ====================================================
// Set up the timezone offset if not already set from db if ($Settings['TimezoneOffset'] == '') { $Settings['TimezoneOffset'] = (date('Z')/60/60); //if (date('I') == 1) { // $Settings['TimezoneOffset']--; //} } else { if (date('I') == 1) { $Settings['TimezoneOffset']++; } }
function GetTimestamp() { Global $Settings; $ServerToGMT = (date('Z')/60/60); $ServerDifference = ($Settings['TimezoneOffset']-$ServerToGMT); return (time()+($ServerDifference*60*60)); }
// ================================================
Have I missed something? Is there something else I needed to add to the index file? many thanks |
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| December 12, 2009 @ 9:02pm | Welby,
The footer doesn't currently process PHP code, so that's why it's not working for you. You could add it to a Bottom Full block if you wanted, that would be one option. You could also use JavaScript instead, here's something that should produce the same output:
<a href="[copyright_page_url]"><b>Copyright <script language="JavaScript"><!-- var Today = new Date(); var Year = Today.getYear(); if (Year < 1000) { Year += 1900; } document.write( Year ); //--></script><noscript>2009</noscript> MyWebsite.com. All Rights Reserved.</b></a> |
David |
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Footer question about copyright | December 12, 2009 @ 7:45pm | I would like to add the following code in the footer for the Site Copyright Line:
<a>Copyright © <?php echo date("Y"); ?> MyWebsite.com. All Rights Reserved.</strong></a>
This way the correct year is always shown automatically. Unfortuantely its not working. Anyone have any ideas.
Thank you.
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| December 8, 2009 @ 11:08am | Well you're taking bits and pieces from different versions so you're bound to run into problems like that.
Your stats errors are due to the GetTimestamp() function being missing in the index.php file. Look through the new version of index.php and grab that and add it to the one you're using.
The ec-Discounts table is one of several new tables added to the eCommerce package. You can look through the upgrade.php file and pick out the database formats from there, or perform a full install elsewhere and make the appropriate changes and additions.
David |
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| December 8, 2009 @ 10:57am | Downloaded the upgrade files uploaded the two files for the stats php5 problem & now get Fatal error: Call to undefined function GetTimestamp() in /hermes/bosweb/web285/b2858/apo.uzayke/mydivision.co.uk/inc-cs-admin-stats_referrals.php on line 30 and Fatal error: Call to undefined function GetTimestamp() in /hermes/bosweb/web285/b2858/apo.uzayke/mydivision.co.uk/inc-cs-admin-stats_pages.php on line 276
Did the same for the store and when I clicked on the button to say payment has been received this came up Table 'flexicms.ec-Discounts' doesn't exist
tried uploading all the store files and still got that message. I've re-uploaded the old files so I am back at square 1. any ideas? cheers Rory
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| December 7, 2009 @ 7:35pm | Rory,
You can get those and any other files you need from the Upgrade package on the Download page
David |
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| December 7, 2009 @ 6:20pm | Nothing showed on the page except the word Home. The e-mail worked ok I Received
Payment has been received and processed for your order -.
You will be notified again when your order is shipped. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you for your order. We appreciate your business!
MyDivision http://www.mydivision.co.uk
I've checked the script and they match, even tried cut n pasting your script into the modify-save file, replacing the existing and still no email is sent.
this is what I have inbetween the two bits
$query = "insert into `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."ec-StatusMessages` (Account, OrderNum, DateCode, Title, Text) values ('".$row['Account']."', '".$FormArguments['OrderID']."', '".$DateCode."', '".str_replace('\'','\\\'',$MsgText[9][232])."', '".addslashes($Message)."')"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); $query2 = "select * from `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."core-Users` where RecordNumber='".$row['Account']."' limit 1"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die (mysql_error()); $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2); $NotifyEmail = $row2['Email'];
perhaps if you can e-mail me a working copy of inc-ec-admin-store-orders-modify-save.php and inc-ec-admin-store-orders-modify.php It may rule them two sources out.
Also anychance you could email me a copy of inc-cs-admin-stats_referrals.php and inc-cs-admin-stats_pages.php for that php5 problem I have downloaded the new FlexCMS however it would save me having to create a new db just to get those two files. many thanks Rory |
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| December 7, 2009 @ 12:18pm | Sorry you had to go through so much trouble to have it work with free items. We'll have a look at allowing it to work that way in the future.
I don't know why those two emails aren't sending there, they do on other sites. And they should be pretty simple text emails as well. Put this code in a page and see what it does:
$Message = $MsgText[9][229]." ".$FormArguments['OrderID']."-".$row['OrderID'].".".$AdditionalInformation."\n\n".$MsgText[9][230]." ".$MsgText[9][239]."\n\n\n".$MsgText[9][231]."\n\n\n".$Settings['SiteName']."\n".$Settings['BaseURL'];
$NotifyEmail = 'youremailaddress@something.something'; $ecSettings['OrdersEmail'] = $NotifyEmail;
mail($NotifyEmail, $MsgText[9][232].' '.$FormArguments['OrderID'].'-'.$row['OrderID'], $Message, 'From: "'.$Settings['SiteName'].'" <'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail'].'>','-f'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail']); |
| (yes that's quite a mess, I just grabbed the code that's used to send the payment email and left as much the same as possible)
OrderStatus is a hold over from an earlier version, I don't think it's used for anything at the moment.
David |
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Re store etc | December 7, 2009 @ 6:15am | Thanks for the quick reply I have worked out a way of doing a freebee but was hoping for an easier way. The way I did it was to charge £0.01 and for shipping call one Discount and give them a -£0.01 making the total £0.00 Then in the script change a few things so if item == "free_item_number" echo "Free" else echo "ammount" thus showing no price. And hiding paypal when the item is picked.
Re the email bit. Yes the tick boxes were ticked and it records all the details ok in the db, The payment record shows up and received payment shows up ok, also the sent messages show ok on the order details page afterwards.
It sends the two emails when ordering ok "Congratulations! The following order has been placed." and "Thank you for selecting etc.. your order is being processed".
Just the two emails that are not being sent are "Notify Customer that payment has been received." and "Notify Customer that order has been shipped."
Just out of curiosity what does OrderStatus = "a" do. As that letter does not change throughout the order placement when refreshing the db?
Thanks for the Calendar answer, I will have to look into it and add some years. The error due to php 5 I will also now address. And re the change of domain name, I'd like the new domain to start on 1st January, so will send a reminder just before. Cheers Rory |
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| December 5, 2009 @ 12:12pm | Hey Dallas,
Am happy to upgrade your permission levels, please send an email to the helpdesk and include the site url(s).
Thanks! |