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| June 8, 2009 @ 1:08pm | Thanks Kel
That did the trick |
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| June 8, 2009 @ 10:33am | Hi Linns,
This is not an known issue - it could be happening because your server folders are not chmoded properly; the permission level you are using is not set to allow an upload by that permission level or the file type is incorrect you are trying to upload. You should be getting an error message if you are unable to upload as well which would tell you why it didn't work. And finally, try scanning for changes to make sure your image really isn't there.
Please review the above and update here if you require further assistance.
Kel |
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Uploading Images | June 8, 2009 @ 1:59am | I'm not able to upload images either is this also a known problem i could'nt see anything about this , so maybe its just my site
Thanks |
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| June 4, 2009 @ 9:12pm | If you've not added or removed any other top blocks, the one that displays the logo will be the second down -- Main Menu is the other one. You can either remove it entirely and create a new one with your desired logo, or modify the existing code to include your image (the image tag is currently <img src="'.$Settings['SPL'].'" border="" alt="">).
The color picker error is a known issue, we hope to have that corrected in the next version.
David |
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another problem aswell | June 4, 2009 @ 3:46pm | When i try to change the colours from the site preferences i get this error
The requested URL /color_picker.html was not found on this server. |
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How do i remove logo | June 4, 2009 @ 3:40am | i looked to try and remove the top logo but the instructions on the site here say to go to the logo block , i can't see this block in the latest version , can anyone help please
Thanks |
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| May 22, 2009 @ 8:12am | Hi David,
OK, thanks for that. Best to turn it off really then, I guess, as everything is relative to the Home Page in some way! Not a lot of point when there is both a Home Page link always in the main menu as well as the header bar acting as a Home link. It's just reiteration.
A real breadcrumb trail might be useful, though.
Thanks for pointing out where I can turn them off, couldn't find it before!
cheers Hugh |
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| May 21, 2009 @ 10:37pm | Hugh,
There is in fact a setting to turn them off. It's located in the Modify Site Preferences section, fourth option down titled "Show Navigation Links?". Your options for it are "No", "Yes, except for the Home Page", and "Yes, on all pages".
They're functioning as they should be, as their purpose is to show links based on the current location relative to the top of the site, not the user's history. Pages always just link to the home page, because the page categories are currently used for administrative organizational purposes only. Other areas (such as News/Articles, Store, etc) do show multiple category levels where they exist.
David |
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Breadcrumbs | May 21, 2009 @ 9:58pm | The breadcrumb trail at the top of every page doesn't seem to work very well. I thought it would show a trail of recently visited pages, but a simple visit to three pages confuses it. eg....
I start at <Home>, go to <Whiterock> and from there to <Northern Line> . You would expect the breadcrumb trail on the Northern Line page to be Home > Whiterock > Northern Line. But it isn't, it just shows Home > Northern Line, having 'lost' the second visited page (Whiterock) altogether.
Apart from the fact it doesn't seem to work very well, how can breadcrumbs be turned off altogether, if desired? Does a line have to be removed from the template?...I can't find anything in the control panel.
thanks Hugh |
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| May 14, 2009 @ 5:08pm | Hello,
Unfortunately we are only able to offer support in English at this point.
David |