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| December 7, 2008 @ 9:06pm | Lets go back a step and clarify something before we go any further. Since you posted in reply to a piece of custom code I presumed you had added that code to your site, is that correct?
David |
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| December 7, 2008 @ 7:14pm |
Quote (DCSun)
You'll see the line below that is "RedirectToLogin();", which is the part kicking them back.
Essentially that code in descriptive terms is "if viewing an article (the Arguments2 == 'view' part) and user is less than basic member level (the UserLevel < 1 part), then redirect them to the login page; otherwise show them the article".
There is nothing in that program using $UserLevel. I list the specific sponsors I want by have the following code in a page I created:
As I walked through inc-na-idx.php, I think I may be past the part you're describing to me. I actually see the individual articles being listed, however, when I click on the article being displayed that should direct me to the actual article page,
<a href="'.$MainURL.'/articles/'.$row100['RecordNumber'].'.html">
that is when it seems to fail and kick guests back to the home page.
Rich |
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| December 7, 2008 @ 4:50pm | Yes, that code is doing as it's supposed to. You'll see the line below that is "RedirectToLogin();", which is the part kicking them back.
Essentially that code in descriptive terms is "if viewing an article (the Arguments2 == 'view' part) and user is less than basic member level (the UserLevel < 1 part), then redirect them to the login page; otherwise show them the article".
If you want guest to be able to view all your articles, lose the code above that you added. It does exactly the opposite of what you wanted (the person it was written for didn't want guests to view the full articles).
If you do want some articles restricted, but others visible, you'll have to give it some way to tell which is which. The easiest if those 10 or so articles will always be the same, would be something like:
if ($Arguments2 == 'view' && $Arguments3 != 4 && $Arguments3 != 7 && $Arguments3 != 10 && $Arguments3 != 11 && $Arguments3 != 12) { RedirectToLogin(); } else {
} |
| (with the numbers there being the numbers of the articles guests are allowed to view in full -- others not listed there would still be redirected back)
David |
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Article permission level | December 7, 2008 @ 4:23pm | David,
Thanks for your reply. I checked the file that you specified and see the following code:
"if ($Arguments2 == 'view') {"
I would assume that each article should be able to be viewed by all but somehow, it's kicking guests out of the article and back to my home page instead of opening the full article.
On my group of articles, I have about 10 snippets that the viewer should be able to see and should be able to click on each to view the full article. It does show the list of 10 snippets with the compressed code, however, when the user clicks on the title of each snippet, he's kicked out.
Rich |
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| December 7, 2008 @ 4:14pm |
Quote (mrimen2004)
Is there something restricting them from opening the actual article? |
Maybe I'm missing something, but that's exactly what the code above was supposed to accomplish!
David |
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Viewable Articles By Guests | December 7, 2008 @ 3:57pm | I've created articles that I was non-registered guests to be able to view. I put the code into a page that will list each article in my specified group. However, when the non-registered guest clicks on the article for it to open it automatically kicks the user to my home page. Is there something restricting them from opening the actual article? Please help! Thanks.
Rich |
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| December 1, 2008 @ 5:48am | Cheers for that, still a couple of small things like the $ sign is still showing in Home > Control Panel > View Reports and Statistics > Store Sales
Store Sales By Month: and in Pricing/Options:
Item ID Price Stock Options 1 $3.00 0 Modify and in Handling: Add $ per order.
and is it possible to have the eNewsletter block disappear once the member has signed up for it, so it disappears like the login block? many thanks R |
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| November 29, 2008 @ 8:04pm |
Quote (Rory)
Finally how do I stop say a £3.00 item showing up as 1 @ £3.0000 in the checkout section? |
Here's an updated file that should solve those display problems you were having: [removed, see below for updates]. Just rename the one you've got there now, unzip and upload this to your site.
David |
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| November 28, 2008 @ 5:55pm | Thanks |