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User Help > Code Snippets > favicon logo in browser (Go To Message)
November 27, 2008 @ 8:43pm
Yes, that's possible and actually quite easy. Just add that code to your template (templates folder, then the named folder of the template you're using, then the template.php file) in the appropriate section (you'll see mostly HTML towards the bottom, add that in the HEAD section or wherever it's supposed to go for the various code you're adding).

For example:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="Description" content="'.$TemplateTags['description'].'">
<meta name="Keywords" content="'.$TemplateTags['keywords'].'">
<meta name="Author" content="'.$TemplateTags['author'].'">
<meta name="Generator" content="'.$TemplateTags['generator'].'">
<META NAME="Rating" CONTENT="General">
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE">

<LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="'.$BaseURL.'/favicon.ico">


That would mean the image file would be called "favicon.ico", located in the root folder of your site.

User Help > Code Snippets > favicon logo in browser (Go To Message)
favicon logo in browserNovember 27, 2008 @ 7:24am
Is it possible to use a favicon logo in the browser?
I have the 'html' code for do this in a html page, but is it also possible in my flexcms site?

User Help > General Support Requests > ftp wont upload install.php saying virus? (Go To Message)
November 26, 2008 @ 4:43pm
You're going to run into a lot of different issues with what you're trying to do. FlexCMS wasn't really designed to have its content pulled into other scripts outside of it. The blocks code you're looking for is in index.php, starting around line 2410. There's just under 1000 lines of code there that deal with processing of blocks.

User Help > General Support Requests > ftp wont upload install.php saying virus? (Go To Message)
$TemplateTagsNovember 24, 2008 @ 6:29am
I have managed to recreate the header identically (with your help) and I have recreated the footer, but so far soley in html. I would like to have the
'.$TemplateTags['bottomfullblocks'].' in the my footer and
'.$TemplateTags['rightblocks'].' in any of my php pages that dont work in the iframe so a link to them wont look out of place and it will help with any other pages I create outside of flex. Could you let me know what php is required for both in order for them to work please?
Many thanks
User Help > General Support Requests > ftp wont upload install.php saying virus? (Go To Message)
Block £ sortedNovember 22, 2008 @ 6:51pm
Many thanks
User Help > General Support Requests > ftp wont upload install.php saying virus? (Go To Message)
November 22, 2008 @ 3:45pm
Personally that seems like more work than just adding in the string you want in your script, but that's just my opinion. The only reason they're in a separate area in FlexCMS is so they can be translated into other languages.

Regarding your other problem with the block only sometimes displaying the currency symbol correctly, add the following to the top of your block:


$query = "select * from `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."ec-Settings`";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$ecSettings[$row['Name']] = $row['Value'];

I'll get back to you soon about the other areas the currency symbol still isn't displaying properly (checkout, etc).

User Help > General Support Requests > ftp wont upload install.php saying virus? (Go To Message)
BrillNovember 22, 2008 @ 12:53pm
Great, helps me understand where everything is.

If I wanted to add say....
<? echo $MsgText[10][1]; ?>
in a html page I made (outside of flex).
I have so far added
to the top of the page and the text required shows ok, but I get a lot of error messages all relating to SPN, is there any way around these please?

An error occurred in script /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/languages/inc-core-lang-english.php on line 248: Undefined variable: SPNAn error occurred in script /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/languages/inc-core-lang-english.php on line 335: Undefined variable: SPNAn error occurred in script /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/languages/inc-core-lang-english.php on line 438: Undefined variable: SPNAn error occurred in script /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/languages/inc-core-lang-english.php on line 441: Undefined variable: SPNAn error occurred in script /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/languages/inc-core-lang-english.php on line 465: Undefined variable: ManualLinkAn error occurred in script /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/languages/inc-core-lang-english.php on line 465: Undefined variable: SPNAn error occurred in script /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.co.uk/httpdocs/languages/inc-core-lang-english.php on line 663: Undefined variable: SPN

User Help > General Support Requests > ftp wont upload install.php saying virus? (Go To Message)
November 21, 2008 @ 12:15pm
Yes, all those strings can be easily viewed (and modified if you wish) in the language pack. Those are stored in the languages folder, for example inc-core-lang-english.php is the English one.

User Help > General Support Requests > ftp wont upload install.php saying virus? (Go To Message)
November 21, 2008 @ 9:47am
Many thanks, sorted the two yes's.
Is there a place where I can view what all the '$MsgText[0][?]' mean?
119 = yes
118 = No
etc etc?

Just await the answer to the £3.0000 prob and the remaining $
many thanks.
User Help > General Support Requests > ftp wont upload install.php saying virus? (Go To Message)
November 20, 2008 @ 6:29pm
Yes, the GMDate trick should solve it for you. It only works if you're in the same timezone as GMT though!

The PayPal currency list isn't a bad idea. They're hard to get information out of and things can always change on their end, which was why we left that an input box rather than a dropdown. Something to take another look at in the future I guess.

Yes we're aware of the dropdown issue. You can fix that on your site by changing line 218 in inc-ec-admin-store-prefs.php to the following:
<option value="n"'.$DisplayActualStockSelected['n'].'> '.$MsgText[0][119].'</option>
(should have the 119 part instead of both being 118).

I'll have a look at the other currency issues as soon as possible and get back to you. Note that it's just a symbol display problem, and they're not actually converted to dollars.


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