| September 22, 2008 @ 7:29pm | You could certainly do that, the registration data is stored in the core-Users table.
The $UserNumber variable will give you the unique number of the current user (which corresponds to the RecordNumber key in the core-Users table), so it's easy to link the data with the right record.
The "Destination After Login" setting in the Modify Site Preferences area could also be used to direct them to your form page after they complete the registration and log in, and that page could check to see whether the required data exists in the database already to direct them elsewhere if they've already completed it.
David |
| September 22, 2008 @ 7:24pm | It should work fine. What's the problem you're having? Can you give us a URL to look at it?
David |
| September 22, 2008 @ 6:26pm | would it be easy to set up another form on a different page that adds info into the same database then?
iframe on pages? | September 22, 2008 @ 5:53pm | i am trying out to put an iframe page within a flexcms page but it is not working. is it possible?
tks. |
| September 22, 2008 @ 4:10pm | The user end of the registration form is built by the inc-core-register.php and inc-core-register-submit.php files (the first displays the form, the second processes the submit).
Unfortunately adding to that is going to be a challenge if you don't have moderate PHP programming skills. That's not to say you can't modify it, but that's one of the more involved areas of FlexCMS to alter. It's set up to be manageable from the control panel and verify the user input, so it's less a standard form and more a script.
There are two arrays ($FieldName and $FieldCode) you'll need to add your fields to, and an array ($RegFormOpts) that controls whether they're required or optional (or displayed at all). And then it's also going to need some modifications on the back end to handle exactly what happens with check boxes since that's a little different from a standard input box or dropdown.
And of course we're always happy to give you a quote for a custom programming project -- send exactly what you're looking for to if you're interested in going that route.
David |
adding fields to register form | September 22, 2008 @ 3:32pm | is it possible to add fields to the register form?
i want to add some that have checkboxes for people to indicate certain things they are interested in. also one that has a select feature where they can select from a list.
how is this done? tks |
| September 17, 2008 @ 12:41pm | Erik,
I'm not entirely sure what you're looking for. Do you mean remove the Powered By logo from the bottom of the pages? Professional level licenses have that option in the Modify Site Preferences section of the Control Panel.
Or remove the FlexCMS name from the package all together? We have a branded reseller package available if you would like to sell FlexCMS as your own product.
Or remove your FlexCMS website completely? Simply delete the files and database.
David |
Remove Flexcms from website? | September 17, 2008 @ 9:54am | Can you advise on how to remove Flexcms from my website please? Thanks Erik |
no control panel | September 14, 2008 @ 7:42am | Hi! Have latest Flex installed on Centos 5.0 with apache and mysql got no errors, and finishing install and loggin in, i have no controlpanel pls help regards Tom |