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Menu Block Feature Articles | July 23, 2008 @ 8:28am | How did you create the menu block located on http://www.secwb.com/index.php. Did you simply create a menu block and place the code generated for add articles within a page? |
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| July 21, 2008 @ 5:04pm | Hi Grady,
Here's an updated version of the main forum module file that should make the title images work on all the pages. There's also an updated version of the settings file to correct a problem with the page title settings there.
The newsletter ones I think are as good as they're going to get, as the subscribe and unsubscribe pages (I presume those are the ones you mean) have their own titles, not just the same one as the main section with something else underneath. The image you're using should work properly on the archived messages.
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Test Image Upload for Forum | July 21, 2008 @ 4:27pm | I uploaded a text image for the forum and it works on the main forum page at http://www.interstate22alliance.com/index.php/forum.html. But when you click deeper such as clicking on the discussion thread at http://www.interstate22alliance.com/index.php/forum/2.html the forum image is not visible, but instead I have text. This is the case with the newsletter pages as well. Is there a way to get the images to show up on all my forum and newsletter pages?
P.S., This is my first time using the images instead of links and this is great.
I am constantly amazed at what I can do with the FlexCMS software. I am looking forward to future upgrades, especialy the document downloading feature. |
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| July 17, 2008 @ 11:55am | I don't know of any poll/survey code that's out there for FlexCMS right now.
As for running another script in a block, that's easily done by pasting the code in and enabling PHP. You may wish to test it out in a page first, so you don't end up locked out if it has errors in it!
David |
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any updates on this idea | July 17, 2008 @ 12:48am | I am still searching for a poll/survey tool for my site, and would prefer a flexcms feature....that said, any hints on how to run a survey script in a block would be handy too if that is possible! ( I am still hunting through forums in case I missed an example of this feature being used already) |
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| July 12, 2008 @ 11:55pm | I did something similar to that in one of my Flex applications. I disabled fields in the users record so the user doesn't see the data when editing the record, but can see it in a query.
1. Made a regular flex page 2. Added this code 3. Set to process php code 4. Display the page
$message = ""; if (!isset($block)){ $message = "List neighborhood watch block houses [home = block 23]."; } elseif ($block < 1){ $message = "Error: block number [$block] cannot be less than 1"; } elseif ($block >100){ $message = "Erorr: block number [$block] cannot be greater than 100"; } else { $message = "Searching for BLOCK NUMBER [$block]"; }
print '<div>MainURL=['.$MainURL.']</div>'; ?>
<form action="<?php print $MainURL; ?>/pages/test_block_query.html" method="POST"> Type block number here: <input type="text" name="block"> </form
<?PHP $query55="SELECT * FROM `"."core-Users` WHERE Custom2 = "."\"Block $block\" order by `Custom1` asc, `Address2` asc, `Address1` asc";
print '<div>MainURL=['.$MainURL.']</div>'; print '<div><b>'.$message.'</b><br><br></div>'; print '<div>'.$query55.'</div>';
$result55 = mysql_query($query55) or die (mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($result55) > 0) { print '<div>mysql_num_rows = '.mysql_num_rows($result55).'</div><br>';
while ($row55 = mysql_fetch_array($result55)) { print $row55['Custom1'] .', '; print $row55['Custom2'] .', '; print $row55['Address1'] .' '; print $row55['Address2'] .' '; print $row55['Address3'] .', ';
print $row55['FirstName'] .' '; print $row55['LastName'] .', '; print $row55['Email'] .', '; print $row55['Phone'] .'<br>';
$row55_custom1 = $row55['Custom1']; // save section number } };
Hope it gets you started!
Would love to see your code when you finish.
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| July 12, 2008 @ 1:49pm | It is possible, but requires a bit of programming work. Essentially what you do is set up a series of IF statements to determine which page or group of pages is currently being viewed, and use that to build your menu block.
Here's a block of code that I've used on another site, it should get you started. There are really three sections to it, the first is the IF statements, which you'll need to adjust to suit your site. The second is the list of menu items, which you'll also need to adjust to match the top section. The third part is where it loops through the list above and prints the menu items based on whether it's the current page or not. In that example, the images are named menu_[ItemName].gif and menu_[ItemName]_sel.gif when selected.
$ItemsSpacer = '<br>'; $ImagesPath = $ImagesURL.'/uploaded/'; $LinksPath = $MainURL.'/'; $ImagesPrefix = 'menu_'; $ItemsCount = 0;
if ($Arguments1 == 'pages' && ($Arguments2 == 'about_us')) { $CurrentlySelectedNew['about'] = 1; } else if ($Arguments1 == 'articles') { $CurrentlySelectedNew['articles'] = 1; } else if ($Arguments1 == 'pages' && ($Arguments2 == 'players_parents' || $Arguments2 == 'registration' || $Arguments2 == 'age_divisions' || $Arguments2 == 'schedules' || $Arguments2 == 'arena_locations')) { $CurrentlySelectedNew['players'] = 1; } else if ($Arguments1 == 'photos') { $CurrentlySelectedNew['photos'] = 1; } else if ($Arguments1 == 'pages' && $Arguments2 == 'merchandise') { $CurrentlySelectedNew['merchandise'] = 1; } else if ($Arguments1 == 'links') { $CurrentlySelectedNew['links'] = 1; }
$ItemsCount++; $ItemLinks[$ItemsCount] = 'pages/about_us.html'; $ItemName[$ItemsCount] = 'about'; $ItemAltText[$ItemsCount] = 'About Us';
$ItemsCount++; $ItemLinks[$ItemsCount] = 'articles.html'; $ItemName[$ItemsCount] = 'articles'; $ItemAltText[$ItemsCount] = 'News & Events';
$ItemsCount++; $ItemLinks[$ItemsCount] = 'pages/players_parents.html'; $ItemName[$ItemsCount] = 'players'; $ItemAltText[$ItemsCount] = 'Players & Parents';
$ItemsCount++; $ItemLinks[$ItemsCount] = 'photos.html'; $ItemName[$ItemsCount] = 'photos'; $ItemAltText[$ItemsCount] = 'Photo Gallery';
$ItemsCount++; $ItemLinks[$ItemsCount] = 'pages/merchandise.html'; $ItemName[$ItemsCount] = 'merchandise'; $ItemAltText[$ItemsCount] = 'Merchandise'; $ItemsCount++; $ItemLinks[$ItemsCount] = 'links.html'; $ItemName[$ItemsCount] = 'links'; $ItemAltText[$ItemsCount] = 'Links & Resources';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $ItemsCount; $i++) {
if ($i != 1) { print $ItemsSpacer; }
if ($CurrentlySelectedNew[$ItemName[$i]]) { print '<A HREF="'.$LinksPath.$ItemLinks[$i].'"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="'.$ImagesPath.$ImagesPrefix.$ItemName[$i].'_sel.gif" alt="'.$ItemAltText[$i].'" title="'.$ItemAltText[$i].'"></A>'; } else { print '<A HREF="'.$LinksPath.$ItemLinks[$i].'"><IMG BORDER="0" SRC="'.$ImagesPath.$ImagesPrefix.$ItemName[$i].'.gif" alt="'.$ItemAltText[$i].'" title="'.$ItemAltText[$i].'"></A>'; }
} |
Paste or include that into a PHP enabled block.
David |
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Tabbed Website | July 12, 2008 @ 9:45am | Is there a way in php or javascript to create a tabbed website using FlexCMS? I want the tab to be highlighted on each page, but since the pages are built as displayed I was wondering how if at all you might indicate which page tab gets highlighted as you move from page to page.
Thank you |
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| July 6, 2008 @ 4:44pm | That should be possible and not overly complicated. Everything you'll need should be located in the core-Users table.
If only you wanted to search through users for a specific purpose, you could use something like PHPMyAdmin to just access that database table and run searches on it based on your own criteria. For visitors to your site to access that, you could modify the code in the inc-core-admin-users.php file.
David |
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Searchable directory? | July 6, 2008 @ 8:14am | Is it possible to set up a searchable directory of members by state, city and/or zipcode or other fields? |