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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > FAQ's: Templates > Template Installation Instructions

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Template Installation Instructions
Started April 12, 2006 @ 5:43pm by otter
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Posts: 177
Template Installation InstructionsApril 12, 2006 @ 5:43pm
FlexCMS Template Installation Instructions
(last update: April 2005)

1) Extract all the files contained within this archive to a location on your system. Be sure that the extraction program uses its feature to preserve the directory structure. Most templates will have at least one folder within them. If after you extract the files you don?t have any folders inside the folder you extracted the files to, verify that your extraction program is preserving the directory structure. It?s possible that not all templates will have folders within the main one.

2) Upload the entire folder to your templates folder, including all of the files and folders contained within it.

3) Once the upload is complete, enter your Control Panel and select the Switch Templates option under the Preferences and Settings section. Your new template(s) should now be available in the list for you to select.

4) If you encounter difficulties using your new template, such as it doesn?t display the site contents, blocks, control panel, or other information needed to reverse the template changes, simply remove the uploaded folder and your site will default back to the Accented Blocks Dark Blue which should have been included with your installation.

If you need assistance with the installation or usage of this software, please contact us. Be sure to include any error messages and information outlining your exact problem.

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

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