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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > General > Showcase > So Easy Even Her Mother Could Do It

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So Easy Even Her Mother Could Do It
Started July 21, 2004 @ 11:32am by dogonit
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Posts: 1
So Easy Even Her Mother Could Do ItJuly 21, 2004 @ 11:32am
My daughter turned me on to FLEXCMS and in her honor I have composed this little poem.

With my eyes bugging out...my voice at full shout...and a hammer in hand to undoit

My daughter said mom, you've got to stay calm and I think I can help you get through it

You don't need this stress...you need FlexCMS
It's so easy I know you can do it

What she said was so true
And I'm here to tell you
Some days I can't wait to get to it
I no longer am vexed
I am happily flexed
It's so easy...your mother can do it

I love having Flex CMS...it is easily understandable and now I can maintain my own website.

I used FlexCMS's template service to create my own individual design. They were great to work with and helped me to create a very distinctive look. I am very picky and want every i dotted and t crossed and it was a real pleasure to work with people whose focus is excellance in performance.

The small price I paid for this amazing product has paid me back many times over and I am proud to direct people to my professional looking website. Thank you all, the great folks at FlexCms.

Check out my fab site Dog On It!

and while you are there feel free to do a little shopping for your favorite fido.

Peggy Bowling/Dog On It

Last Edit: July 22, 2004 @ 12:44am by dogonit

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