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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT

FlexCMS Support Forum

Started August 9, 2006 @ 12:13pm by cberks
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Posts: 63
DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAugust 9, 2006 @ 12:13pm
What would you recommend for a development environment with minimum impact on an existing website?

(a) develop pages on the website (especially ones with php in them) but not make them visible to users just use "show" capability of pages module and (b) install free copy of FLEXCMS to work on template design etc. ie things not related to or stored in database

or is it permissable to install a second copy of FLEXCMS for development purposes using the same database as the activbe website which would allow using real content for (b) above ie template changes

Regards, Chris

Posts: 625
August 9, 2006 @ 10:39pm
Hi Chris,

First off, yes, you are welcome to install another copy of FlexCMS to use for your own development purposes. As for using the same database, though, that wouldn't work, as changes on one would be made to the other, and it would still be one site just with two copies of the sources. If you mean just pulling a copy of the active site in to use as a starting point for the development site, yes, you can do that, just install the new site first and then don't overwrite the "core-Settings" table when you copy the database over.

As for a development environment, FlexCMS allows you to do quite a bit without going to any trouble at all!

For blocks, you can set the minimum permission level to one high enough that only you can see them, and then lower it when you're satisfied with how it looks and works.

For pages, simply name it something that isn't already in use on the site, such as "index-new", and you can use the View icon in the Pages section to see how it looks as you make changes to it. Then when you're ready, just name it back to what you're using on the site and remove or rename the old one.

And finally, for templates, you can use the Preview link next to each one in the Switch Templates section. That will show you how the template looks with all your blocks/pages/modules, without changing the template your live site uses. Then when you're ready to use the new template, just make the change in the Switch Templates section.

Hope that helps.


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