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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > Got Message Option.html

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Got Message Option.html
Started July 28, 2007 @ 6:28pm by macat
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Posts: 13
Got Message Option.html July 28, 2007 @ 6:28pm
Got a message that the options.html was not there and I can't find it. Was trying to change the time on the Modify Advanced Site Settings page. Error message below:

Not Found
The requested URL /index.php/options.html was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Posts: 625
July 28, 2007 @ 10:13pm
Hi Macat,

Are you by chance running FlexCMS in a subfolder?


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Posts: 13
July 29, 2007 @ 12:03am
Hi David,
Yes I am and I can't upload the template.php after modifying it either or chmod anything, I'm getting a 553 and a 550 error.

Quote (DCSun)

Hi Macat,

Are you by chance running FlexCMS in a subfolder?


Posts: 625
July 29, 2007 @ 12:37am

Those are two separate issues you're having there.

The first, which you previously mentioned, is due to a minor bug in v2.5 which redirects you back to the main domain without the subfolder after you change the advanced settings. If you like I can post an updated version of the file for you which corrects that problem. The other thing you can very easily do is just go back to the site after saving the changes. The settings you changed will have been saved, just it doesn't take you back to the control panel correctly afterwards when you're running FlexCMS from within a subfolder.

Your permission problems are more to do with how your server is configured. Most likely your web server is running as a different user than you FTP in as, and as a result it isn't giving you access to modify the files someone else (the web server when FlexCMS was installed) created. The FlexCMS installer attempts to chmod the files it creates so they can be modified, but it looks like that either failed on your server, or the installer itself was chmodded very low when the installation took place (the chmod used is that of the install.php file unless you change it during installation). The solution depends on what you have available in the way of system access. If you have a higher level of access such as SSH, go ahead and chmod them there. You might also be able to use a control panel type file manager from your hosting company to change the permissions that way. Short of that, you may have to contact your host and have them up the permissions for you. If they want to charge you money or are otherwise unhelpful, we might be able to come up with some other options for you.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 13
July 29, 2007 @ 3:08am
Hi David,
Thanks for the answer on the options.html problem, I would like the fix for that. As for the other problem with chmodding and modifying the template, I own the hosting company, it is a VPS account and I tried also changing it through the cPanel file manager and got an error and it didn't save the changes either. I can change anything in that account except the CMS files. I did chmod the CMS folder to 777, it let me do that but then when I tried to modify and upload the template.php it gave me the 553 error message so I tried chomodding the templates folder to 755 and that's when I got the 550 error, any ideas?? My FTP login and control panel login are the same, but my cms login is different than that.

Quote (DCSun)


Those are two separate issues you're having there.

The first, which you previously mentioned, is due to a minor bug in v2.5 which redirects you back to the main domain without the subfolder after you change the advanced settings. If you like I can post an updated version of the file for you which corrects that problem. The other thing you can very easily do is just go back to the site after saving the changes. The settings you changed will have been saved, just it doesn't take you back to the control panel correctly afterwards when you're running FlexCMS from within a subfolder.

Your permission problems are more to do with how your server is configured. Most likely your web server is running as a different user than you FTP in as, and as a result it isn't giving you access to modify the files someone else (the web server when FlexCMS was installed) created. The FlexCMS installer attempts to chmod the files it creates so they can be modified, but it looks like that either failed on your server, or the installer itself was chmodded very low when the installation took place (the chmod used is that of the install.php file unless you change it during installation). The solution depends on what you have available in the way of system access. If you have a higher level of access such as SSH, go ahead and chmod them there. You might also be able to use a control panel type file manager from your hosting company to change the permissions that way. Short of that, you may have to contact your host and have them up the permissions for you. If they want to charge you money or are otherwise unhelpful, we might be able to come up with some other options for you. I don't do anything using SSH so I'm not real familiar with that.


Posts: 625
July 29, 2007 @ 3:29am

You can download an updated inc-core-admin-settings-save.php file here. You'll need to download and unzip it, then upload the file to your server replacing the existing one there. It stands to reason that you won't be able to overwrite that one for the same reason as the template, though!

Strange that the CPanel file manager wouldn't let you change the permissions on the file. The file manager should be running as the same user as the main web server which created the files, and be the owner of them. The 553 error is also interesting, as it indicates an illegal file name or path problem. Are you able to upload and replace other files elsewhere on this account?

Feel free to email us FTP and/or CPanel information to if you'd like us to have a closer look for you.


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