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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > General > Showcase > 45inx.com

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Started May 22, 2008 @ 8:46pm by Forfyv
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Posts: 10
45inx.comMay 22, 2008 @ 8:46pm
I actually just wanted to get an online catalog/shopping cart for a friend of mine to host on my web site.

Once I started playing with FlexCMS for her rock/gem/lapidary store, I decided to install it for my own use as well.

I am thinking of migrating my entire site actually.

I have been hand coding my own website for years, and have resisted using any CMS mostly because the complexity of administration was just too steep of a learning curve,

This looks like a gem of a product and I really hope you folks continue development.

My website:


the FlexCMS portion resides at the moment at:

I'm in the process of integrating the two, and hopefully I'll be using Flex from my web root soon.

I think I will have to upgrade to a professional license so I can use all the modules that I am hand coding functions for now, or using various other products as perl/cgi.

I have had several people ask/complain over the years why they have to register separately for each of the site features I currently use, ie. Calendar/forum/mail list/photo gallery/ etc.

Now with the integrated modules, I can tell those folks, "here ya go, one login and you have access to all those features!"

Thanks again for such a fine product!!

45 Mike

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