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I changed my forum colors When I went to manage categories/boards, I was not happy with the view at all.
My db: table:mb-Settings field:ColorOverrides data:%%#666666%%#e0e0e0%%#EFEFEF%%#000000%%#000000%%#00E5E5%%#000000%%#990000%%#d8d8d8%%#666666
The colors are not even close to what I'd expect.
I fixed: line 50 - 67
in the file: inc-mb-admin-boardsandcats.php
if ($OverridesArray[1] != '') { $Colors['MBBorder'] = $OverridesArray[1]; // main border } if ($OverridesArray[2] != '') { $Colors['MBBG'] = $OverridesArray[2]; // main background } if ($OverridesArray[3] != '') { $Colors['MBAlternateBG'] = $OverridesArray[3]; // alternate background } if ($OverridesArray[4] != '') { $Colors['MBSpacerLine'] = $OverridesArray[4]; // spacer line between categories and messages in a thread } if ($OverridesArray[5] != '') { $Colors['MBHeadingText'] = $OverridesArray[5]; // top headings text } if ($OverridesArray[6] != '') { $Colors['MBHeadingBG'] = $OverridesArray[6]; // top headings background } if ($OverridesArray[7] != '') { $Colors['MBText'] = $OverridesArray[7]; // main text }
If you are unhappy with the colors in the message board module that manages categories and boards, replace the existing code with mine.