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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > looking for config file to edit

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looking for config file to edit
Started July 3, 2008 @ 7:53am by rebelbwb
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Posts: 2
looking for config file to editJuly 3, 2008 @ 7:53am
It has been a long, long time since I messed with any of these files. I recently moved a site using FlexCMS and there is only one little difference in db name and I'm looking for the config file so I can edit that locally. Right now I am getting cannot connect to the db. Any assistance in locating that file would be great. I see a settings.php file which looks like it is asking for the info I am using but I've plugged in the appropriate info to no avail. Wasn't sure if I was looking in the right place or not.


Posts: 625
July 3, 2008 @ 11:48am

Yes, anything related to the connection to the database is located in the settings.php file. There's not much in there, just database server (usually localhost), username, password, database name, and table prefix if you'd like to use one.

Did you by chance move to a server running CPanel from one that wasn't, or the other way around? CPanel (and some others) require you to add your username to the database name, such as mysite_flexcms if your username was mysite and the database was flexcms, so that may need to be added or removed.

Short of that and any messing around you can do to try and figure out the correct settings, you should contact your host and confirm what the database settings should be.


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Posts: 2
July 3, 2008 @ 12:30pm
I moved it from a server running PLESK to another running PLESK

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