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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > would like 1st page to be STORE.html ???

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would like 1st page to be STORE.html ???
Started November 12, 2008 @ 9:51am by indiemoosic
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Posts: 17
would like 1st page to be STORE.html ???November 12, 2008 @ 9:51am
can i make it so that my opening page is the store instead of the home page.

in other words, when someone is directed to my site, the first thing they see is the store page instead of index (home)


Last Edit: November 12, 2008 @ 11:11am by indiemoosic

Posts: 625
November 12, 2008 @ 12:17pm
Probably the easiest way would be to just set your index page as a redirect to the store. Enable PHP on the page and place the following code in it:

header('Location: '.$MainURL.'/store.html');


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