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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > Code Snippets > Tips for accessing system data and functions

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Tips for accessing system data and functions
Started June 11, 2004 @ 12:43pm by DCSun
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Posts: 625
Tips for accessing system data and functionsJune 11, 2004 @ 12:43pm
If you want to utilize the query string to pass information between custom pages, simply add the variables $Arguments3 through $Arguments9 to your scripts, and they will contain the query string data at those locations (1 being 'pages' and 2 being the link of the page the code is running from). So when you write a script into a page called testscript, and run it from an address like http://www.flexcms.com/index.php/pages/testscript/abc/123, $Arguments3 will contain 'abc' and $Arguments4 will contain '123'.

In addition, you can use the following code to access the form post variables:


Global $FormArguments;

That will load the form contents into an array. You can access them in the form of $FormArguments['field_name']. So if your form had a field called LastName, the data from it would be stored in $FormArguments['LastName'].

The following variables are also available to assist in linking to areas of the site without compromising the ability to change the address or script name, or re-use the code on other sites:

- $BaseURL will be the base url of the site, like http://www.flexcms.com

- $ImagesURL will be the images folder, like http://www.flexcms.com/images

- $TemplateImagesURL will contain the folder the images for the current template are stored in, which can be useful if you plan to use a different image for each template, perhaps the logo. It will contain something like http://www.flexcms.com/templates/techno-blue if you were using the Techno (Blue) template.

- $IndexURL will be the main page of the site, like http://www.flexcms.com/index.php/index.html

- $MainURL will be the base url together with the script name, which is most useful for links. Simply link to $MainURL.'/pages/pagename.html'. The main url variable will contain something like http://www.flexcms.com/index.php

Finally, you can also determine whether the user is logged in ($LoggedIn will be 'y' if they are, 'n' otherwise), their permissions level ($UserLevel will contain a number from 1 to 100, corresponding to their access level), and their username ($CookieUsername will contain their username). $CookieUsername will be empty and $UserLevel will be zero if the user is a guest.

These can be very useful when writing code that integrates with the site functions. No need to write login, registration, lost password, and other basic functions anymore!

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Last Edit: June 12, 2004 @ 3:51am by DCSun

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