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Install.php error message Started April 6, 2005 @ 9:40am by Guest
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Install.php error message | April 6, 2005 @ 9:40am | When install.php runs it comes up with the following :-
============================== License data could not be located for this site. Please verify that you've created a license for this site and that it is valid, or for a sponsored license that you are connected to the internet. If you believe this to be in error or require assistance, please contact us or visit the documentation and support forums available at http://www.flexcms.com ==============================
FAQ's definately state FlexCMS can be tested like this. How ???? |
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otter Administrator

Posts: 177 |
| April 6, 2005 @ 10:33am | Hi Gordon,
Sorry to hear you are having problems with your local install.
FlexCMS was made to use on the web, but we have had people including our own staff successfully install and run it on their local computer. However we do not guarantee it will work on every PC.
Have you checked the FlexCMS server requirements to make sure you meet them?
If your server does meet the minimum requirements, it could be a DNS issue, problem with sockets and/or an internet connection issue on your end as well.
If you email us your PHP INFO, we'll take a look to see if there is anything there that may be causing the problem and try to assist you as much as possible.
If all else fails, we recommend you login to our demo site (demo.flexcms.com) to "play" with FlexCMS or install it in a subfolder on a live website.

 ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010). |
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Tried but failed | April 6, 2005 @ 11:25am | Using broadband, WinXp Pro, Apache, PHP
FTP'd to a dummy folder on my web site.
Ran install using an existing database with table prefix FLEX_
All OK until login when install.php/login could not be found.
Opened the site and tried to log in - again faile - something about login submit couldn't be found.
Have given up, deleted the files and dropped the tables from the database.
Notice the original error message on my local PC spoke about "have you created a licence file". What's that all about ? How does one create it ?
Have tried out various CMS systems on this machine and have never had any problems, so I don't think it;'s a local problem.
Any ideas ? |
Last Edit: April 6, 2005 @ 11:32am by Guest | |
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otter Administrator

Posts: 177 |
| April 6, 2005 @ 12:18pm | Gordon,
As for your install in a dummy folder on the web. I believe the problem you had there can be fixed by following the information in this topic:
I would suggest a fresh install of FlexCMS into the dummy folder again. Then fix the above as mentioned. If you receive any errors, please let us know exactly what they are and keep the site up so we can take a look as well. We've been able to solve most problems people have had as long as they leave the install up on their site so we can review.
As for your local not working, I do not know what to tell you. I don't know of anyone specifically using WinXP Pro that has tried to install FlexCMS locally, so that might be a problem. I do know that we've had successful local installs on both Win2000 and Win98SE. Please note, we do state in our Requirements: "Compatibility with Windows has had only limited testing, and any other platforms are unknown at this point."
Also, I noticed you didn't list the exact versions of Apache, PHP or MySQL on your local machine, but as long as you meet the minimum requirements as previously noted, that should not be the problem. It may just be that WinXP Pro is the issue.
As for creating a license, it looks like you have done that under your id at FlexCMS. But basically, this is what you need to do to create a license:
To create a new license, simply login to your FlexCMS account (http://www.FlexCMS.com). Then under the Clients menu block, you'll see a hyperlink that says Manage Licenses. Click on that link and you'll see your Manage License(s) area. At the bottom of that page you'll see:
Create a New Site:
Simply fill in the info requested and click on the Create Site button and you are done.
If you are still interested in getting FlexCMS installed on the web, please update us once you have completed the new install and updated the line in index.php as mentioned above and we'll be happy to assist you further.

 ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010). |
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OK - will do | April 6, 2005 @ 5:10pm | Thanks for the info |
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| April 7, 2005 @ 2:55pm | I have just finished the 1.3 install on windowXP PRO. (XP does not have a server, only PRO). I can get to the opening page of the default site at this local server url. ( I never tried 1.2 locally)
But any menu choice takes me to, lets say I choose "HOME" then the URL becomes:
or say the privacy policy
None of them work. Only the first one I mentioned to open a home page.
Any idea? I will email a phpinfo file. If I get past this I think I willl have a local install. |
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otter Administrator

Posts: 177 |
| April 7, 2005 @ 3:08pm | Hi Jacmgr,
Just to make sure we're on the same page here (no pun intended) are you saying that any link you select off your FlexCMS menu block, displays the correct url, but errors off as in gives you this message when you are taken to that particular page:

Error Displaying Page
We're sorry, but the requested page or function either could not be located, has passed or not yet started its viewing period, or your permissions are not sufficient to view it. Please go back and try again, and contact the webmaster if you believe this to be in error. |
Or are you not being redirected anywhere at all?
If any of the above is true, have you checked the root directory you installed FlexCMS at and see if the actual pages are in fact listed in the folder?
Please update and will assist you further.

 ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010). |
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| April 7, 2005 @ 3:26pm |
will start the opening page of cms.
Then from a block menu I select, say privacy policy and I recieve that 404 error you quoted above. What is in the address bar is:
or I click home and the same thing happens.
Now I checked the diredctories and there is no "pages" folder, and there is NO index.html.
That is the error I recieve.
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DCSun Administrator

Posts: 625 |
| April 7, 2005 @ 3:42pm | Hi jacmgr!
Sorry to hear you're having problems using FlexCMS. Since it's a local installation, there's only so much we can do because we can't actually get in there and adjust files or look at things, but we'll see if we can suggest a few things for you to try.
First, at the risk of going in circles, I need to have you clarify the error message you're receiving. Is it the FlexCMS error message, displayed in the FlexCMS blocks and template looking site? Or is it a server error on a blank page telling you it can't find the file?
And no, there should not be a 'pages' folder or 'index.html' file. These are just names FlexCMS uses to retrieve content from the database.
Thanks, David

 FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released! |
Last Edit: April 7, 2005 @ 3:43pm by DCSun | |
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| April 7, 2005 @ 3:53pm | I am very sorry for being unclear and giving the wrong info!!
The error is NOT FROM FLEX. It is from server:

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. ----------------------------------------HTTP 404 - File not found Internet Explorer
Thankx and sorry.
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DCSun Administrator

Posts: 625 |
| April 7, 2005 @ 4:06pm | Not a problem. That's what I expected the issue to be. Unfortunately your server is taking the slashes in the query string too litterally and actually going and looking for a pages folder and index.html file!
Just for fun, try hitting (notice the question mark after index.php instead of a slash) and see what you get.

 FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released! |
Last Edit: April 8, 2005 @ 5:43pm by DCSun | |
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| April 7, 2005 @ 4:13pm | Right...I did try that just for fun right before I read your latest response and the error diplayed is the FLEXCMS error message you first quoted. ---- Home
Error Displaying Page
We're sorry, but the requested page or function either could not be located, has passed or not yet started its viewing period, or your permissions are not sufficient to view it. Please go back and try again, and contact the webmaster if you believe this to be in error ----
So I also tried ?pages=privacy.html (just for fun.. it was fun...) That did not give the error and simply took me back to the FLEXcms WELCOME PAGE. |
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DCSun Administrator

Posts: 625 |
| April 7, 2005 @ 4:33pm | I have a solution to your problem (I think, it worked here when I tried to duplicate your problem), however it will modify FlexCMS past its normal behavior and therefore will not be supported in the same way FlexCMS normally would be. You've been warned. So there!
Please note, this modification was intended for FlexCMS version 1.3. If you are not currently using that version, we suggest you first upgrade to it to see if your problems are solved. If they persist, then proceed with the changes outlined below.
Ok, for the fix. Open up your index.php file and on line 84 should be this:
list ($LocationPath, $QSData) = explode('/'.$Settings['ScriptName'], $QS, 2); |
replace it with this:
list ($LocationPath, $QSData) = explode('?', $QS, 2); |
That should make it capable of using the query string even though your server is not treating it like it normally should. Then, up on line 27 (should be an open space), add this:
$Settings['ScriptName'] .= '?'; |
Also: You'll need to update your contact and contact-submit pages to function with the modifications above. You can find the updated code here: http://www.flexcms.com/index.php/forum/4/8/1.html
And you should be all set. Be sure to post back here and let us know how it worked out.

 FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released! |
Last Edit: April 13, 2005 @ 3:24pm by DCSun | |
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| April 7, 2005 @ 4:50pm | Seems to be working great now!! You guys/gals rock!
I've tried about 10 different free CMS's this week. Yours is by far the cleanest integration of desired tools there is. All 10 of those had install problems with no one to ask questions to!!
BTW, I had no problem at all with the install on the internet host. AND NOW it is running on my XPpro localhost so I can adjust my pages offline and when I am ready, then put the good stuff on my host.
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DCSun Administrator

Posts: 625 |
| April 7, 2005 @ 4:58pm | Excellent! Glad to hear you got it working! :D
We take great pride in not only making it work, but also in supporting our clients when it doesn't.
Thanks for your kind words and we look forward to working with you in the future.

 FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released! |
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CMS's | April 8, 2005 @ 4:50pm | 
Quote (jacmgr)
Seems to be working great now!! You guys/gals rock!
I've tried about 10 different free CMS's this week. Yours is by far the cleanest integration of desired tools there is. All 10 of those had install problems with no one to ask questions to!!
BTW, I had no problem at all with the install on the internet host. AND NOW it is running on my XPpro localhost so I can adjust my pages offline and when I am ready, then put the good stuff on my host.
Have you tried out [removed] yet ? Not bad. Gordon.
-- Admin Edit: Please, no plugs for other CMS packages here. Thanks. |
Last Edit: April 8, 2005 @ 5:37pm by DCSun | |
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Version ? | April 8, 2005 @ 4:52pm | Otter, notice other user has v 1.3 whereas I have v 1.2 - is this the problem ? Is v 1.3 available - or is it not the free version ?
Gordon. |
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DCSun Administrator

Posts: 625 |
| April 8, 2005 @ 5:36pm | 
You do appear to be having the same problem as jacmgr was, so I would suggest you try the modifications above. Also, as noted in a previous post above, there is no 'pages' folder or .html files, nor should there be.
In regards to your other post, yes, version 1.3 is now available for download. We do still offer a free version of it the same as before.

 FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released! |
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| April 9, 2005 @ 3:55am | 
Quote ()

Quote (jacmgr)
Seems to be working great now!! You guys/gals rock!
I've tried about 10 different free CMS's this week. Yours is by far the cleanest integration of desired tools there is. All 10 of those had install problems with no one to ask questions to!!
BTW, I had no problem at all with the install on the internet host. AND NOW it is running on my XPpro localhost so I can adjust my pages offline and when I am ready, then put the good stuff on my host.
Have you tried out [removed] yet ? Not bad. Gordon.
-- Admin Edit: Please, no plugs for other CMS packages here. Thanks. |
OOOooppppppssssss !!!!!1 Sorry. It wasn't a plug, just an enquiry ! |

