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Code Snippets: FlexCMS 3.2.1 Started May 11, 2010 @ 11:08pm by otter
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otter Administrator
Posts: 177 |
Code Snippets: FlexCMS 3.2.1 | May 11, 2010 @ 11:08pm | The following five code snippets were included in the FlexCMS 3.2.1 FULL release. If you'd like to add these to your site, you can do so by copying and pasting from the code below.
#1 Index/List of News/Article Categories
ID/Name: ArticlesCategoryIndex
Type: PHP
$query_na = "SELECT * FROM `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."na-Categories` WHERE Parent='0' ORDER BY CategoryName asc";
$result_na = mysql_query($query_na) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row_na = mysql_fetch_array($result_na)) {
print '<a href="'.$MainURL.'/articles/'.$row_na['RecordNumber'].'.html">'.$row_na['CategoryName'].'</a><br>';
} |
#2 Index/List of eStore Categories
ID/Name: eStoreCategoryIndex
Type: PHP
if ($Arguments1 == 'store') {
print '<font size="1">';
$query100 = "select * from `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."ec-Categories` where Parent='0' order by Name asc"; $result100 = mysql_query($query100) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row100 = mysql_fetch_array($result100)) {
print '<a href="'.$MainURL.'/store/browse/'.$row100['CategoryID'].'.html" class="BlockColors">'.$row100['Name'].'</a><br><img src="'.$ImagesURL.'/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" border="0"><br>';
#3 Random Photo from the Galleries
ID/Name: RandomPhoto
Type: PHP
$query = "select * from `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."pg-Settings`"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $pgSettings[$row['Name']] = $row['Value']; }
if ($pgSettings['StorageLocationHTTP'] == '') { $pgSettings['StorageLocationHTTP'] = $BaseURL.'/pg_images'; } if ($pgSettings['StorageLocationLocal'] == '') { $pgSettings['StorageLocationLocal'] = './pg_images'; }
$Extensions[2] = '.jpg'; $Extensions[3] = '.png';
$ThumbExtensions[2] = '-thumb.jpg'; $ThumbExtensions[3] = '-thumb.png';
if (substr($pgSettings['StorageLocationHTTP'],0,1) == '/') { $ImageBaseHTTP = $BaseURL.$pgSettings['StorageLocationHTTP']; } else { $ImageBaseHTTP = $pgSettings['StorageLocationHTTP']; }
$query = "select * from `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."pg-Images` ORDER BY RAND() limit 1"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
// figure out thumbnail dimensions $NewWidth = $pgSettings['ThumbMaxWidth']; $NewHeight = $pgSettings['ThumbMaxHeight'];
$WidthRatio = $row['ImageWidth'] / $NewWidth; $HeightRatio = $row['ImageHeight'] / $NewHeight;
if ($WidthRatio >= $HeightRatio) { $NewWidthCalc = number_format($row['ImageWidth'] / $WidthRatio, 0); $NewHeightCalc = number_format($row['ImageHeight'] / $WidthRatio, 0); } else { $NewWidthCalc = number_format($row['ImageWidth'] / $HeightRatio, 0); $NewHeightCalc = number_format($row['ImageHeight'] / $HeightRatio, 0); }
$ImageWidth = $NewWidthCalc; $ImageHeight = $NewHeightCalc;
$query2 = "select * from `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."pg-Galleries` where RecordNumber='".$row['GalleryNumber']."' limit 1"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die (mysql_error()); $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2);
print '<a href="'.$MainURL.'/photos/'.$row2['RecordNumber'].'.html" class="BlockColors"><img src="'.$ImageBaseHTTP.'/'.$row['FileName'].$ThumbExtensions[$row['FileType']].'" width="'.$ImageWidth.'" height="'.$ImageHeight.'" border="0" alt=""><br>'.$row2['GalleryTitle'].'</a>'; |
#4 List of Calendar Events for Today’s Date
ID/Name: TodaysEvents
Type: PHP
$TZO = (($Settings['TimezoneOffset']+5)*3600);
$DateSplit = getdate(); $DayTimestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$DateSplit['mon'],$DateSplit['mday'],$DateSplit['year']);
$query55 = "select * from `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."cl-EventDates` where DateCode>=".($DayTimestamp+$TZO)." and DateCode<".($DayTimestamp+86400+$TZO)." order by DateCode asc"; $result55 = mysql_query($query55) or die (mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result55) > 0) {
while ($row55 = mysql_fetch_array($result55)) {
$query5 = "select * from `".$Settings['DBPrefix']."cl-Events` where RecordNumber='".$row55['EventID']."' and MinLevel<='".$UserLevel."' limit 1"; $result5 = mysql_query($query5) or die (mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result5) > 0) { $row5 = mysql_fetch_array($result5);
print '<img src="'.$ImagesURL.'/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" border="0"><br>';
print '<a href="'.$MainURL.'/calendar/details/'.$row5['RecordNumber'].'.html">'.$row5['Title'].'</a>';
if ($row5['StartTime'] >= 0) {
$Hours = 0; $Minutes = 0;
$Seconds = $row5['StartTime']; while ($Seconds >= 3600) { $Seconds = $Seconds - 3600; $Hours++; } while ($Seconds >= 60) { $Seconds = $Seconds - 60; $Minutes++; }
$Suffix = 'am'; if ($Hours >= 12) { $Hours -= 12; $Suffix = 'pm'; } if ($Hours == 0) { $Hours = 12; }
if ($Minutes < 10) { $Minutes = '0' . $Minutes; }
$TimePrint = $Hours . ':' . $Minutes . $Suffix;
//if ($row55['EndTime'] >= 0 && $row55['EndTime'] > $row55['StartTime']) { if ($row5['EndTime'] >= 0) {
$Hours = 0; $Minutes = 0;
$Seconds = $row5['EndTime']; while ($Seconds >= 3600) { $Seconds = $Seconds - 3600; $Hours++; } while ($Seconds >= 60) { $Seconds = $Seconds - 60; $Minutes++; }
$Suffix = 'am'; if ($Hours >= 12) { $Hours -= 12; $Suffix = 'pm'; } if ($Hours == 0) { $Hours = 12; }
if ($Minutes < 10) { $Minutes = '0' . $Minutes; }
$TimePrint .= ' - ' . $Hours . ':' . $Minutes . $Suffix;
} else { $TimePrint = ''; }
if ($TimePrint != '') { print ' <font size="1">('.$TimePrint.')<br></font>'; } else { print '<br>'; }
print '<img src="'.$ImagesURL.'/spacer.gif" width="1" height="5" alt="" border="0"><br>';
if ($EventsPrinted < 1) {
print '<br>[No Events Today]<br>?';
} |
#5 Total Members & Newest Member
ID/Name: TotalMbrsNewestMbr
Type: PHP
$query = "select count(RecordNumber) as UsersCount from `core-Users`"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); print 'Members: '.$row['UsersCount'];
$query = "select * from `core-Users` order by RecordNumber desc limit 1"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); print '<br><br>Newest Member: <a href="'.$MainURL.'/profile/'.$row['Username'].'.html" class="BlockColors">'.$row['Username'].'</a>'; |
ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010). |