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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > Migration of FlexyCMS site

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Migration of FlexyCMS site
Started June 13, 2011 @ 4:56am by ndaula
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Posts: 1
Migration of FlexyCMS siteJune 13, 2011 @ 4:56am
Hello folks,

I have migrated my flexycms based website to a different host and experiencing the following problems;

1. When I visit the webiste, the index page loads fine but when I try to click on link pages, it keeps saying the file not existing e.g


The old site Document Root was set as /home/onlinetax and on this new hosting, I have the Document Root as /home/otr. I have tried editing all files under /var to reflect the /home/otr but looks nothing has changed. Is there another place I have look into to make some editing?

Currently, I have not pulled down the old site so currently when you visit onlinetaxrefund.co.uk, will take you to the old host because I have not had success with the file migration.

Waiting to hear from you folks.



Posts: 625
June 13, 2011 @ 10:40am
Hi Ahmed,

I don't think that's FlexCMS (this one anyways) that you're using. The URL you sent definitely isn't a FlexCMS site, and the problem you're describing isn't one that could happen with our package. There are no paths to be concerned with in ours, they all run from the same public directory at the root of the site. And any URL changes would be done through the settings table in the database, not any files.

I know there used to also be other packages called FlexCMS located at flexcms.co.uk and flexcms.dk, and by the sounds of it you're looking for FlexyCMS rather than FlexCMS. Perhaps you're using software from one of those companies who stole our name.


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Last Edit: June 13, 2011 @ 10:41am by DCSun

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