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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > FAQ's: Installation of FlexCMS > Problem Migrating

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Problem Migrating
Started December 16, 2012 @ 5:16pm by roadie02h
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Posts: 27
Problem MigratingDecember 16, 2012 @ 5:16pm

I have built the site on another server and I now need to migrate it to my customers server. I copied all the files and uploaded them to the new server. I then zipped up the database and installed that on the sql server. I get this message.

"Source file and database versions do not match,
possibly due to a software upgrade in progress.
Please check back shortly.

If you have uploaded new source files,
run the database upgrade script to complete the process.

Sources version: 3.2.1
Database version: "

How do I get this bad boy to work????



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Posts: 625
December 16, 2012 @ 8:12pm
Hi Dave,

Does the database look okay when you view it through PHPMyAdmin or similar? My best guess seeing that error message would be the process you did copied the structure of the database but not the data.


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