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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > Bug Reports & Enhancement Release Updates > FlexCMS v1.3 Bug Fixes Release

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FlexCMS v1.3 Bug Fixes Release
Started April 13, 2005 @ 6:47pm by DCSun
(This thread is currently Locked) 

Posts: 625
FlexCMS v1.3 Bug Fixes ReleaseApril 13, 2005 @ 6:47pm
Several minor bugs which were discovered after the release of FlexCMS version 1.3 have now been fixed. Any downloads of the 'full' or 'update' packages before April 13, 2005 @ 6:30pm EDT should be downloaded again, and any installations made from those files should be updated.

To update an existing version 1.3 installation, simply download the 'update' package, and replace the php files in the main sources folder with those in the download. No database changes are needed, and you should not run the 'update.php' script.

Fixes in this release include:

- Forum permissions not functioning correctly, forcing you to set the permission levels for each board individually. You can now simply set the permission level for a category if you wish and it along with the boards in it will only be displayed to users of that level or higher. If you wish you can still set some of the boards within that category higher and they will only be shown to the appropriate groups.

- Forum notifications contained a broken link when notifying of a new topic/thread being created. They will now contain the correct link.

- Forum notifications sent to users who could not view the thread in question. Users will now only receive notifications for messages they have permission to view.

- Pages created without a page link did not receive a number instead upon initial creation. This has been corrected and pages will now receive a unique number upon creation when a page link is not present.

- Views by Page statistics section did not function when a database prefix was in use.

- Users and Guests statistics section created 'Division by Zero' errors when no data was present for the previous day.

- Minimum Edit Level dropdown on blocks no longer defaults to 'Guests Only' on blocks that were created in versions prior to 1.3.

- Contact form and backend have been fixed to work with the tweak for servers that require a question mark in the query string. If you are updating an existing version 1.3 installation, see this page: http://www.flexcms.com/index.php/forum/thread/8.html for the updated code.

The following tweaks/features have also been added:

- Previous/Next links now appear at the top and bottom of the Members List and User Permissions pages. Previously they only appeared at the bottom of the pages.

- Navigation links now appear on administration pages regardless of the navigation links setting for public pages.

If you have any questions or comments about this release, or require assistance updating or installing it, please open a new topic in the appropriate section of the forums.

FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Last Edit: April 17, 2005 @ 11:52pm by otter

Posts: 625
April 17, 2005 @ 11:21pm
A few other minor bugs have been discovered and repaired. If you downloaded either the full or update packages before April 17, 2005 @ 11:45pm EDT, please download them again for any future installs or updates.

The following problems have been corrected:

- Article listings don't display if a database prefix is in use.
>> Replace index.php on any existing sites with the version in the update package if you are experiencing this problem.

- Automatic conversion of links in the newsletter archives doesn't work correctly on links with subfolders.

- Archived version of most recently sent message displayed date sent as December 31, 1969 when no messages had been sent yet.
>> Replace inc-nl-idx.php with the version in the update package if you are experiencing either of these problems.

- Main logo block and hidden Newsletter blocks in fresh (new full) version 1.3 installs contained incorrect code.
>> If your site was a fresh (new full) 1.3 install and you haven't customized or removed the code in those blocks, you can replace them with the code below to correct the problems.

Logo Block:


if ($LoggedIn == 'y') {
$NamePrint = $UserDisplayName.'!</b><br><font size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'"><A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/options.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Control Panel</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/profile-edit.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Edit Profile</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/logout.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Logout</font></A><br></font>';
else {
$NamePrint = 'Guest!</b><br><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">Already a Member? <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/login.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Login</font></A>?or <a href="'.$MainURL.'/register.html" class="BlockColors">Register</a>.<br></font>';

print '<div align="center"><table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tr><td width="50%"><a href="'.$IndexURL.'"><img src="'.$TemplateImagesURL.'/logo.gif" border="" alt=""></a></td><td width="50%" valign="middle" align="center"><font size="2" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'"><script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Today = new Date();var Days = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");var Months = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");var Year = Today.getYear();if (Year < 1000) { Year += 1900; }var Day = Today.getDate();var DateEnding = "th";if (Day == 1 || Day == 21 || Day == 31) { DateEnding = "st"; }else if (Day == 2 || Day == 22) { DateEnding = "nd"; }else if (Day == 3 || Day == 23) { DateEnding = "rd"; }document.write( Days[Today.getDay()] + ", " + Months[Today.getMonth()] + " " + Day + DateEnding + ", " + Year ); //--></script><noscript></noscript><br><br><b><script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Greeting = "Hello";var Today = new Date();var CurrentHour = Today.getHours();if (CurrentHour < 12) { Greeting = "Good Morning"; }if (CurrentHour >= 12 && CurrentHour < 17) { Greeting = "Good Afternoon"; } if (CurrentHour >= 17) { Greeting = "Good Evening"; } document.write(Greeting); //--></script><noscript>Hello</noscript>, '.$NamePrint.'</td></tr></table></div>';

Newsletter Block:


print '<a href="'.$MainURL.'/newsletter/subscribe.html" class="BlockColors">Subscribe</a>
<a href="'.$MainURL.'/newsletter/unsubscribe.html" class="BlockColors">Unsubscribe</a>
<a href="'.$MainURL.'/newsletter/messages/current.html" class="BlockColors">View Last Message</a>
<a href="'.$MainURL.'/newsletter/messages.html" class="BlockColors">View Archived Messages</a>';

(Both blocks require that php be enabled)

As always, if you have any questions or require assistance, please contact support or post a message in the forums.

FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Last Edit: April 17, 2005 @ 11:53pm by otter

Posts: 625
April 19, 2005 @ 7:35pm
Another couple bugs, though very minor, have been found and corrected. Any downloads after April 19, 2005 @ 7:30pm EDT will already have these fixes included. Any previous v1.3 installs which need these fixes can be updated by replacing 'inc-core-profile-edit-save.php' and 'inc-pg-admin-photos_prefs.php' with those in the FlexCMS v1.3 upgrade package.

Bugs Fixed:
- Inability to set an existing user back to level 1 when they previously were at a higher level, through the edit profile section.
- Photo gallery preferences and settings section would pre-populate the two path boxes with the current settings, causing the hard coded urls to be saved when that form was submitted. That is no longer the case and submitting that section will still leave those two boxes blank unless they have been set with a specific path.

As always, if you require assistance with this or anything else, please post a message in the appropriate forum.

FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 177
April 25, 2005 @ 7:37pm
A couple minor bugs have been found and repaired.

Bugs fixed:

- Editor links dropdown only showing pages at level 0.
- Links prefs section inaccessible to anyone below level 100.

Any downloads after April 25, 2005 @ 7:30 pm EDT will already have these fixes included.

Any previous v1.3 installs which need these fixes can be updated by replacing:

- inc-core-admin-editor-link.php
- inc-lm-admin-prefs.php
- inc-lm-admin-prefs-save.php

with those in the FlexCMS v1.3 update package.

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Posts: 625
May 10, 2005 @ 4:02pm
A few minor bugs have been found and repaired.

Bugs fixed:

- {FlexMainURL} tag doesn't work in News/Articles section
- Formatting tags don't work in News/Articles displays where the article text is shorter than the teaser length and completely displayed.
- Categories displayed in Links section even when no categories exist.
- Switch Templates section empty when only one template exists.

Any downloads after May 10, 2005 @ 3:45 pm EDT will already have these fixes included.

Any previous v1.3 installs which need these fixes can be updated by replacing:

- inc-core-admin-templates.php
- inc-lm-idx.php
- inc-na-idx.php
- index.php

with those in the FlexCMS v1.3 update package.

FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Last Edit: May 10, 2005 @ 4:03pm by DCSun

Posts: 177
May 17, 2005 @ 4:45pm
Along with our eagerly anticipated Dutch language pack released today, we also repaired a few minor bugs.

Bugs fixed:

- editing blocks and pages would convert html codes inside comments (specifically the </ closing tag) into their character representations (& amp;, & lt;, etc) which would cause future problems if they were saved that way.

- auto-detection of the site's time zone didn't account for daylight saving time which would result in incorrect calendar dates.

- blocks wizard would no longer function if certain html codes were used in the header, footer, and spacer sections.

Any downloads after May 18, 2005 @ 1:08 pm EDT will already have these fixes included.

Any previous version 1.3 installs which need these fixes can be updated by replacing all the php files with those in the FlexCMS version 1.3 update package.

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Last Edit: May 17, 2005 @ 4:47pm by DCSun

Posts: 625
May 20, 2005 @ 5:12pm
A small bug in the Dutch language pack has been fixed. The only change is that the name (Nederlands) is now correctly displayed in the dropdown. If you require this fix, simply replace the language pack with the file in the update package.

Any downloads after May 20, 2005 at 5:00pm EDT already contain this update.

FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Last Edit: May 20, 2005 @ 5:29pm by otter

Posts: 177
Bug Fix Patch 6/9/2005June 9, 2005 @ 5:43pm
A small bug in the page title (upload new image) has been fixed and will be included in our next bug fix release (tba).

If you experienced problems uploading a new image on an existing page, simply download this file. Then unzip and replace it in your FlexCMS web root directory.

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

(This thread is currently Locked) 

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