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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > NewsLetter not working

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NewsLetter not working
Started October 12, 2014 @ 12:08pm by dow
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Posts: 8
NewsLetter not workingOctober 12, 2014 @ 12:08pm
I have several flex sites and none of the newletters are being sent. I write the newsletter and then submitted it to be sent. The system hangs. The last time it worked a month or so ago, it took approximately 8 hours to send.



Posts: 625
October 12, 2014 @ 3:21pm
Hi Dow,

8 hours is a really long time. How many addresses are you sending to?


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Posts: 8
Beerinfo worked but extremely slowOctober 15, 2014 @ 4:54am
I just did a test with BeerInfo. I put test in the subject and test in the body. It took about 5 minutes to send 55 email.

When I tried to send one of my usual newsletters, the system hung for over an hour and did not send one email.

I write my newsletters in HTML and they have graphics

I while back, I switched to Constant Contact.
With all websites, I had over 5000 emails and it was costing me $80 a month. The U.S. Open had the most but I only use it 6 months of the year. So, I decided to switch back to flex for my other websites(BeerInfo, PetVR, & Odd Inns). These websites have between 1000-2000 emails.
If you want, I can write up a newsletter and send it to you and you can try and email it from you computer.


Posts: 625
October 15, 2014 @ 1:48pm
It sounds like it's probably the back end more than the computer doing the sending. I'm not sure it was designed with sending a large message to thousands of addresses in mind at the time (a number of years ago) so it might simply not be up to the task. At some point we can look and see if there's a re-write that will make it perform better, but that's obviously not a quick or simple project.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 8
October 20, 2014 @ 12:52pm
Newsletter is working again.
I guess it was me.

Cheers, Dow
Sorry for the trouble.

Posts: 625
October 20, 2014 @ 12:55pm
Cool, glad to hear it.


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