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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > FAQ's: General > How do I change the logo

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How do I change the logo
Started June 14, 2005 @ 6:59pm by kl7or
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Posts: 14
How do I change the logo June 14, 2005 @ 6:59pm
How do I change the logo in version 1.3

Posts: 177
June 14, 2005 @ 7:48pm
Hi Dean,

We have a topic on how to do this in our User Help > FAQ's board which you will find here:


If you have any additional questions after reviewing that topic, please reply to this post and we'll be happy to assist you.


Kel aka otter

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Posts: 14
June 15, 2005 @ 6:28pm
I have checked the FAQ and I do not have a link for Blocks Management. I do have a link for Menu Blocks.


Posts: 177
June 15, 2005 @ 6:38pm
Hi Dean,

Sorry about that! In version 1.3 it's called Menu Blocks not Blocks Management. So just click on the Menu Blocks link under your Control Panel and follow the instructions from there.

I have cut and pasted them for you here as well and updated the topic.

How do I use my own logo instead of the FlexCMS logo?

First, you'll need to upload your logo to your web server.

Next go to your Control Panel and under Edit Site Content, select the Menu Blocks link.

Then look for the LOGO block and click on the Edit link.

Scroll down to the Custom Block Contents area and delete all the coding in this area. Then type your logo URL and HTML code (see example below) into the Custom Block Contents.

Custom Block Contents:

<img src="http://www.yourdomainname/imagefoldername/yourlogo.gif">

Make sure you UNCHECK the Process PHP Code box located under the Custom Block Contents area.

And finally, click on the "Save Changes" button and you're good to go!

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Posts: 14
June 15, 2005 @ 11:29pm
Under the Edit Site Content, select the Menu Blocks link I am not seeing a LOGO block.

I have:

No Title
Administrative Functions
Users Online
Main Menu
date and time
News, Weather & Search


Posts: 14
June 15, 2005 @ 11:39pm
Never mind I figured it out. How do I get the code back I deleted?


Posts: 177
June 16, 2005 @ 12:21am
Hi Dean,

Just cut and paste the following code into the existing logo block or make a new block.

Note: Make sure you select Logo from the dropdown in Block Location if you are creating a new block.


if ($LoggedIn == 'y') {
$NamePrint = $UserDisplayName.'!</b><br><font size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'"><A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/options.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Control Panel</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/profile-edit.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Edit Profile</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/logout.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Logout</font></A><br></font>';
else {
$NamePrint = 'Guest!</b><br><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">Already a Member? <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/login.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Login</font></A> or <a href="'.$MainURL.'/register.html" class="BlockColors">Register</a>.<br></font>';

print '<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<td width="50%"><a href="'.$IndexURL.'"><img src="'.$TemplateImagesURL.'/logo.gif" border="" alt=""></a></td>
<td width="50%" valign="middle" align="center"><font size="2" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Today = new Date();
var Days = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
var Months = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
var Year = Today.getYear();
if (Year < 1000) { Year += 1900; }
var Day = Today.getDate();
var DateEnding = "th";
if (Day == 1 || Day == 21 || Day == 31) { DateEnding = "st"; }
else if (Day == 2 || Day == 22) { DateEnding = "nd"; }
else if (Day == 3 || Day == 23) { DateEnding = "rd"; }
document.write( Days[Today.getDay()] + ", " + Months[Today.getMonth()] + " " + Day + DateEnding + ", " + Year ); //--></script><noscript></noscript><br><br>
<b><script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Greeting = "Hello";
var Today = new Date();
var CurrentHour = Today.getHours();
if (CurrentHour < 12) { Greeting = "Good Morning"; }
if (CurrentHour >= 12 && CurrentHour < 17) { Greeting = "Good Afternoon"; } if (CurrentHour >= 17) { Greeting = "Good Evening"; } document.write(Greeting); //--></script><noscript>Hello</noscript>, '.$NamePrint.'


Don't forget to check the Process PHP Code? box and then save it and you should be good to go.


ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Last Edit: June 16, 2005 @ 12:24am by DCSun

Posts: 14
Final statesJune 16, 2005 @ 6:35pm
Whow what a terrific product and excellent suppot. In only a few short days I was able to get FlexCMS up even with minor little problems.

I see that your online manual is really lacking not that it needs much but I am curious on how to do more with building pages. Like for example how can I hiperlink from one page to another. And perhaps other tricks for the page developer.


Posts: 177
June 16, 2005 @ 11:30pm
Hi Dean,

Thanks for the kudos, we work very hard to deliver a quality product backed with excellent customer service and support.

We are working on releasing a new manual for version 1.3 and hope to have that ready sometime within the next 30-45 days. But as you know, we've also included quite a bit of user help in the control panel areas and our forums have code snippets as well as other helpful information. If you ever have a question or need assistance with learning FlexCMS, please post a question in our forum and someone will happy to assist you.

As for doing more with page development, specifically linking pages within a page, all you have to do is type in HTML or use our built in Page Editor on any page.

As an example, if you wanted to add a link to an existing page, simply edit the page you want to add the link.

Then scroll down until you see

Next, click on that button and that will open our Page Editor.


1) Highlight the text you want to link.

2) Click on the arrow icon on the Page Editor menu.
A new window will then open so that you can easily create your hyperlink.

3) Under the "Select From Existing FlexCMS Pages" use the dropdown to select the page you want to link.

4) If you want your linked page to open in a new browser window, select the _blank (New Window) under "Link Target"; otherwise leave the default setting and the link when clicked will stay in the same browser window.

5) Click on the "Continue" button to complete this section.

You will now be at the FlexCMS Page Editor screen and the text you highlighted will now be displayed as an active hyperlink.

When you are done editing that page, make sure you click on the "Save & Close" icon in the Page Editor.

You will then be returned to your edit page area for that page.

The final step is to click on the "Save Changes" button.

From there just view your page and you'll see your changes.

I hope that helps!


ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Last Edit: June 17, 2005 @ 7:35am by otter

Posts: 14
ManualJune 17, 2005 @ 2:52pm

Thanks for the info. This makes it very easy. I will give it a try.

Also, if you need help with proof reading your new documentation please let me know as I am a software developer.

Also, when I purchase the product what kind if license do I have. Do I have to purchase a seperate copy for each server? I maintain 2 websites, one for myself and the other for a club. I am planning on using FLEXCMS on both, storing all of the MySQL on my server using a different prefix for the table names.


Posts: 177
June 17, 2005 @ 5:10pm
Hi Dean,

Thanks so much for your offer of help. I'll contact you if we do need proof reading assistance.

When you purchase FlexCMS you can choose from our Standard or Professional licenses. You'll find detailed information on our Products & Pricing page.

As for licensing FlexCMS, you'll find detailed information in our License Agreement. But in a nutshell, FlexCMS is licensed per website, determined by unique internet domain names. Each license may be used for only one domain name, and is limited (both technically and legally) to the domain name it was licensed for.

Each license entitles you to install and use the package on one internet website for the term of the license. If you operate multiple websites or domain names, multiple licenses will be required for installation on those.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

And thank you for choosing FlexCMS for your websites. We look forward to seeing your sites and helping you in any way we can.


ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Last Edit: June 17, 2005 @ 6:23pm by otter

Posts: 11
logo imageSeptember 5, 2007 @ 11:29pm

Quote (otter)


if ($LoggedIn == 'y') {
$NamePrint = $UserDisplayName.'!</b><br><font size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'"><A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/options.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Control Panel</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/profile-edit.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Edit Profile</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/logout.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Logout</font></A><br></font>';
else {
$NamePrint = 'Guest!</b><br><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">Already a Member? <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/login.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Login</font></A> or <a href="'.$MainURL.'/register.html" class="BlockColors">Register</a>.<br></font>';

print '<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<td width="50%"><a href="'.$IndexURL.'"><img src="'.$TemplateImagesURL.'/logo.gif" border="" alt=""></a></td>
<td width="50%" valign="middle" align="center"><font size="2" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Today = new Date();
var Days = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
var Months = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
var Year = Today.getYear();
if (Year < 1000) { Year += 1900; }
var Day = Today.getDate();
var DateEnding = "th";
if (Day == 1 || Day == 21 || Day == 31) { DateEnding = "st"; }
else if (Day == 2 || Day == 22) { DateEnding = "nd"; }
else if (Day == 3 || Day == 23) { DateEnding = "rd"; }
document.write( Days[Today.getDay()] + ", " + Months[Today.getMonth()] + " " + Day + DateEnding + ", " + Year ); //--></script><noscript></noscript><br><br>
<b><script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Greeting = "Hello";
var Today = new Date();
var CurrentHour = Today.getHours();
if (CurrentHour < 12) { Greeting = "Good Morning"; }
if (CurrentHour >= 12 && CurrentHour < 17) { Greeting = "Good Afternoon"; } if (CurrentHour >= 17) { Greeting = "Good Evening"; } document.write(Greeting); //--></script><noscript>Hello</noscript>, '.$NamePrint.'


Don't forget to check the Process PHP Code? box and then save it and you should be good to go.


Can I just change the following code to the src of my image so I can keep the welcome message with the data and time.


<td width="50%"><a href="'.$IndexURL.'"><img src="'.$TemplateImagesURL.'/logo.gif" border="" alt=""></a></td>

Posts: 625
September 5, 2007 @ 11:36pm
Yes, you have a few easy options to add your logo in and keep the rest of the block. The first would be to upload your logo to the folder of the template you're using, named "logo.gif". The other would be to change the entire SRC portion of the image tag to match the URL of your logo.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 11
More questionsSeptember 6, 2007 @ 11:46pm
Thank you very much for your quick responces! You guys do a great job!!

I got the image figured out. Now about the greating with day/date/year and the links below it.


if ($LoggedIn == 'y') {
$NamePrint = $UserDisplayName.'!</b><br><font size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'"><A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/options.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Control Panel</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/profile-edit.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Edit Profile</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/logout.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Logout</font></A><br></font>';
else {
$NamePrint = 'Guest!</b><br><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">Already a Member? <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/login.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Login</font></A> or <a href="'.$MainURL.'/register.html" class="BlockColors">Register</a>.<br></font>';

print '<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<td width="1000%" valign="middle" align="center"><font size="2" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Today = new Date();
var Days = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
var Months = new Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
var Year = Today.getYear();
if (Year < 1000) { Year += 1900; }
var Day = Today.getDate();
var DateEnding = "th";
if (Day == 1 || Day == 21 || Day == 31) { DateEnding = "st"; }
else if (Day == 2 || Day == 22) { DateEnding = "nd"; }
else if (Day == 3 || Day == 23) { DateEnding = "rd"; }
document.write( Days[Today.getDay()] + ", " + Months[Today.getMonth()] + " " + Day + DateEnding + ", " + Year ); //--></script><noscript></noscript><br><br>
<b><script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Greeting = "Hello";
var Today = new Date();
var CurrentHour = Today.getHours();
if (CurrentHour < 12) { Greeting = "Good Morning"; }
if (CurrentHour >= 12 && CurrentHour < 17) { Greeting = "Good Afternoon"; } if (CurrentHour >= 17) { Greeting = "Good Evening"; } document.write(Greeting); //--></script><noscript>Hello</noscript>, '.$NamePrint.'


I created a new top level centered block and I would like to move this from the top area to clear up the background I am using.
I transplanted your php to the custom area and it worked just fine with a minor moderation to the table (see above code).
Now how do I change the text color from white to black and get rid of the text
control panel | edit profile | logout
I have been puring through my php books and tried a couple of diferent things but nothing worked. I would like to keep the user greeting, I really like that feature.
You can view my site at

Thanks for your time,
Charles Spangler

Posts: 625
September 7, 2007 @ 12:24am

For your logo block, remove what you've got there now (or better yet, hide that block and create a new one), and use this:

print '<a href="'.$BaseURL.'"><img src="'.$TemplateImagesURL.'/logo.png" border="" alt=""></a>';

For a block with the greeting and date/time, but without the logged in user links below it, here's a breakdown so you can figure out what you want removed:

This portion determines whether or not the user is logged in (prints out the top section if they are logged in, or the second section if they're a guest):

if ($LoggedIn == 'y') {
$NamePrint = $UserDisplayName.'!</b><br><font size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'"><A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/options.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Control Panel</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/profile-edit.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Edit Profile</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/logout.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Logout</font></A><br></font>';
else {
$NamePrint = 'Guest!</b><br><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">Already a Member? <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/login.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Login</font></A> or <a href="'.$MainURL.'/register.html" class="BlockColors">Register</a>.<br></font>';

So I'm guessing you want that section changed to:

if ($LoggedIn == 'y') {
$NamePrint = $UserDisplayName.'!</b><br>';
else {
$NamePrint = 'Guest!</b><br><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">Already a Member? <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/login.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Login</font></A> or <a href="'.$MainURL.'/register.html" class="BlockColors">Register</a>.<br></font>';

As for the text color, that's simply this part

, which you could change to just $Colors['Text'] to get the same color as the body text, or remove everything between the outer double quotes and just enter an HTML color, like color="#000000".

You also have a width=1000% in your code which should be 100%.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Last Edit: September 7, 2007 @ 12:28am by DCSun

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