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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > Image Permissions

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Image Permissions
Started September 5, 2006 @ 11:55pm by cjmarley
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Posts: 2
Image PermissionsSeptember 5, 2006 @ 11:55pm
I setup to allow Basic members to be able to add photos but when I login as my test basic login it won't allow me to do so. I want my users to be able to add and edit their own photos.

Posts: 625
September 6, 2006 @ 11:08am
Hi cjmarley,

Can you elaborate on "it won't allow me to do so"? Do the options to manage the photos and galleries not appear in the control panel for the basic user, or do you encounter some problem when attempting to use them?


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Posts: 2
photo gallerySeptember 6, 2006 @ 12:40pm
It doesn't show the option at all for the basic user to upload any images.

Posts: 625
September 6, 2006 @ 1:10pm
I think I see what you mean now, but just to clarify, you're referring to the "Manage/Upload Images" section? In your first post you said photos so I took that to mean the Photo Gallery, rather than the images administration section.

That's a bug in that it doesn't display the link when that permission is granted, and will be fixed in the next release. In the meantime you can fix your site by opening the "inc-core-options.php" file and finding this line (approx line 384):

if ($Permissions[2] == 'y' || $Permissions[18] == 'y' || $Permissions[100] == 'y') {
and replacing it with this:

if ($Permissions[2] == 'y' || $Permissions[17] == 'y' || $Permissions[18] == 'y' || $Permissions[100] == 'y' || $Permissions[301] == 'y' || $Permissions[501] == 'y' || $Permissions[701] == 'y' || $Permissions[801] == 'y') {

That said, that really wasn't the intended use of that section. Its main purpose is to allow the administration of images uploaded for use in pages and articles on the site. It currently doesn't allow the images to be separated out by user, so all the images on the site will be available to modify for any users with access to that area.

If you can give us some more information about exactly what you were hoping to use this for, maybe there's something we can come up with to make it happen for you.


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