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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > Bug Reports & Enhancement Release Updates > FlexCMS 2.5 Bug & Enhancement Release

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FlexCMS 2.5 Bug & Enhancement Release
Started June 27, 2007 @ 12:17pm by otter
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Posts: 177
FlexCMS 2.5 Bug & Enhancement ReleaseJune 27, 2007 @ 12:17pm
A minor bug has been fixed in the FlexCMS News/Articles module. Any downloads of the 'full' or 'update' packages before June 27, 2007 @ 11:05 am EDT/ June 27, 2007 @11:11 am EDT (update) should be downloaded again, and any installations made from those files should be updated.

To update an existing version 2.5 installation, simply download the 'update' package, and replace the php files in the main sources folder with those in the download. No database changes are needed. DO NOT run the 'update.php' script.

There is only ONE file updated in this release (if you wish to replace just that file which has been modified):


If you don't have or anticipate using the News/Articles module, there's no need to do anything. If you want to be sure that your installation is current, simply download the 'update' package and overwrite the file listed above.

If you have any questions about this release, please open a new topic in the appropriate section of the forums.

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Posts: 625
FlexCMS v2.5 Bug Fixes Release - August 21, 2007August 21, 2007 @ 9:10pm
Several minor bugs have been fixed in the latest release of FlexCMS. Any downloads of the 'full' or 'update' packages before August 21, 2007 @ 9:20 pm EDT should be downloaded again, and any installations made from those files should be updated.

The fixes included are as follows;

- inc-core-register-verify.php - Slashes not converted in encoded password when passed from verification confirmation page to login-submit-nf.

- inc-core-admin-settings-save.php - Error page displayed when saving advanced settings of a site installed in a subfolder.

- inc-ec-idx.php - Store product details page didn't select only active products, so products with a past deleted copy using the same ProductID retrieved from the deleted one instead of the active one.

- inc-na-idx.php - Categories articles are retrieved from was not increased from 5 to 10 in the code when it was increased in the admin area for version 2.5.

- inc-pg-admin-photos.php - Fixed spacer image tag missing closing bracket. Fixed descriptions containing HTML code breaking the rest of the page.

- inc-pg-admin-photos_delete_confirm.php - Old version of file packaged with v2.5. Added delete code for GIF files back in.

- inc-pg-admin-photos_edit.php - Fixed descriptions containing HTML textareas code breaking the rest of the page.

The first deals with the email verification function, and this update should definitely be applied if you currently use or plan to use that option on your site. The second is not required unless your site is installed in a subfolder, in which case you may wish to apply it. The others deal with the eCommerce (#3), News/Articles (#4), and Photo Gallery (#5,6,7) modules, and should be applied if you've experienced any of the described problems or plan to use those modules in the future.

To apply any or all of these fixes to a current installation, download the "update" package and replace just those files.

FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Last Edit: August 21, 2007 @ 9:25pm by DCSun

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