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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > Payment Received / Order Shipped

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Payment Received / Order Shipped
Started February 15, 2008 @ 12:23pm by David
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Posts: 10
Payment Received / Order ShippedFebruary 15, 2008 @ 12:23pm

I've been looking at the e-commerce module and have come across a little issue: The Payment Received and Order Shipped e-mails does not have a "From" address. I have the following lines in the in-ec-admin-modify-safe.php module around line 82 and 136 (I hade to remove the -f or the host would not let the email through):

//By David - mail($NotifyEmail, $MsgText[9][232].' '.$FormArguments['OrderID'].'-'.$row['OrderID'], $Message, 'From: "'.$Settings['SiteName'].'" <'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail'].'>','-f'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail']);
mail($NotifyEmail, $MsgText[9][232].' '.$FormArguments['OrderID'].'-'.$row['OrderID'], $Message, 'From: "'.$Settings['SiteName'].'" <'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail'].'>');

Am I missing something here, or is the "From" field defined somewhere else.

The order confirmation e-mail does include the correct "From" field.

I would appreiciate the feedback.


Posts: 625
February 15, 2008 @ 6:31pm

Are you saying that the email comes through but without a "from" address? FlexCMS has the option for you to define an address just for the store portion in the store module's preferences, and if that's empty it should use the site's main email address in the main preferences section. Can you verify that you do have an email address entered in one of those two fields before we go any further?

As for certain hosts not allowing the "-f" portion, yes that's an issue with the way some servers are configured. Perhaps we can add a setting to allow you to select whether your host allows that or not.


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Posts: 10
February 16, 2008 @ 8:05am
It works fine if an e-mail address is specified in the eCommerce settings and preference section (displaying both SiteName and e-mail in the e-mail message header). But if the e-mail field in the eCommerce section is blank, it doesn't pick up the e-mail address and SiteName from main site preferences (which is specified).


Posts: 625
February 16, 2008 @ 6:25pm

I did find one small problem in inc-ec-idx.php, line 4810. It has $Settings['ContactEmail'] instead of $ecSettings['OrdersEmail'].

But everything looks okay in the inc-ec-admin-store-orders-modify-save.php file. Could I get you to check and make sure the Orders Email field in the Store Settings & Preferences section is in fact empty, and doesn't have a space or something in the box? You could either view source to make sure nothing is shown in the input box's value attribute, or just make sure the box is cleared out and save the changes.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 10
February 17, 2008 @ 7:38am

I've checked the e-mail field in eCommerce setting (and in the MySQL table as well) and there is no value. The code I have in the inc-ec-idx.php module is the following:

// send emails
$Message = $MsgText[9][338]."\n\n\n".$ContentsPrint."\n".$TaxesSection."\n".$SHTitle.': '.$CurrencyBefore.number_format($TotalShipping,$ecSettings['PriceDecimals'], $ecSettings['DecimalSymbol'], $ecSettings['ThousandsSep']).$CurrencyAfter.' ('.$row6['Description'].")\n\n".$MsgText[9][253].': '.$CurrencyBefore.number_format($OrderTotal,$ecSettings['PriceDecimals'], $ecSettings['DecimalSymbol'], $ecSettings['ThousandsSep']).$CurrencyAfter."\n\n\n".$MsgText[9][246].':'."\n".$ShippingAddressPrint."\n\n\n\n".$MsgText[0][142].','."\n".$Settings['SiteName']."\n".$IndexURL;
//By David - mail($UserEmail, $MsgText[9][339].' '.$OrderID, $Message, 'From: "'.$Settings['SiteName'].'" <'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail'].'>','-f'.$Settings['ContactEmail']);
mail($UserEmail, $MsgText[9][339].' '.$OrderID, $Message, 'From: "'.$Settings['SiteName'].'" <'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail'].'>');

$Message = $MsgText[9][340]."\n\n\n".$ContentsPrint."\n".$TaxesSection."\n".$SHTitle.': '.$CurrencyBefore.number_format($TotalShipping,$ecSettings['PriceDecimals'], $ecSettings['DecimalSymbol'], $ecSettings['ThousandsSep']).$CurrencyAfter.' ('.$row6['Description'].")\n\n".$MsgText[9][253].': '.$CurrencyBefore.number_format($OrderTotal,$ecSettings['PriceDecimals'], $ecSettings['DecimalSymbol'], $ecSettings['ThousandsSep']).$CurrencyAfter."\n\n\n".$MsgText[9][246].':'."\n".$ShippingAddressPrint."\n\n------------------------------\n\n".$MsgText[9][341];
//By David - mail($ecSettings['OrdersEmail'], $MsgText[9][339].' '.$OrderID, $Message, 'From: "'.$Settings['SiteName'].'" <'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail'].'>','-f'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail']);
mail($ecSettings['OrdersEmail'], $MsgText[9][339].' '.$OrderID, $Message, 'From: "'.$Settings['SiteName'].'" <'.$ecSettings['OrdersEmail'].'>');

Maybe I'm just missing something here.


Posts: 625
February 17, 2008 @ 7:59pm

Everything for the paid and shipped emails will come from the inc-ec-admin-store-orders-modify-save.php file, not inc-ec-idx.php. But either way, aside from the one I mentioned in the inc-ec-idx.php file where it would have the wrong one, there's nothing I can see that would prevent it from adding the from address.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

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