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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > FAQ's: Templates > Logo Trouble

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Logo Trouble
Started May 7, 2008 @ 12:35pm by macat
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Posts: 13
Logo TroubleMay 7, 2008 @ 12:35pm
I took out the logo code on the Good Morning Block [ <img src="'.$Settings['SPL'].'" border="0" alt=""> ], and now I can't figure out how it goes back in so I can put my own logo in. Can someone please paste the whole block code here so I can replace my broken one ... Thanks!!!

Posts: 10
menu block editMay 19, 2008 @ 12:31am


if ($LoggedIn == 'y') {
$NamePrint = $UserDisplayName.'!</b><br><font size="1"><A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/options.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Control Panel</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/profile-edit.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Edit Profile</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/logout.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Logout</font></A><br></font>';
else {
$NamePrint = 'Guest!</b><br><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Already a Member? <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/login.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Login</font></A> or <a href="'.$MainURL.'/register.html" class="BlockColors">Register</a>.<br></font>';

print '<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<td width="50%"if ($LoggedIn == 'y') {
$NamePrint = $UserDisplayName.'!</b><br><font size="1"><A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/options.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Control Panel</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/profile-edit.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Edit Profile</font></A> | <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/logout.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Logout</font></A><br></font>';
else {
$NamePrint = 'Guest!</b><br><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Already a Member? <A HREF="'.$MainURL.'/login.html" class="BlockColors"><font face="'.$FontFace.'" size="1">Login</font></A> or <a href="'.$MainURL.'/register.html" class="BlockColors">Register</a>.<br></font>';

print '<div align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" width="100%">
<td width="50%" valign="middle" align="center">



<td width="50%" valign="middle" align="center"><font size="2" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Today = new Date();
var Days = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");
var Months = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
var Year = Today.getYear();
if (Year < 1000) { Year += 1900; }
var Day = Today.getDate();
var DateEnding = "th";
if (Day == 1 || Day == 21 || Day == 31) { DateEnding = "st"; }
else if (Day == 2 || Day == 22) { DateEnding = "nd"; }
else if (Day == 3 || Day == 23) { DateEnding = "rd"; }
document.write( Days[Today.getDay()] + ", " + Months[Today.getMonth()] + " " + Day + DateEnding + ", " + Year ); //--></script><noscript></noscript><br><br>
<b><script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Greeting = "Hello";
var Today = new Date();
var CurrentHour = Today.getHours();
if (CurrentHour < 12) { Greeting = "Good Morning"; }
if (CurrentHour >= 12 && CurrentHour < 17) { Greeting = "Good Afternoon"; } if (CurrentHour >= 17) { Greeting = "Good Evening"; } document.write(Greeting); //--></script><noscript>Hello</noscript>, '.$NamePrint.'

<td width="50%" valign="middle" align="center"><font size="2" color="'.$Colors['BText'].'">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Today = new Date();
var Days = new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");
var Months = new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");
var Year = Today.getYear();
if (Year < 1000) { Year += 1900; }
var Day = Today.getDate();
var DateEnding = "th";
if (Day == 1 || Day == 21 || Day == 31) { DateEnding = "st"; }
else if (Day == 2 || Day == 22) { DateEnding = "nd"; }
else if (Day == 3 || Day == 23) { DateEnding = "rd"; }
document.write( Days[Today.getDay()] + ", " + Months[Today.getMonth()] + " " + Day + DateEnding + ", " + Year ); //--></script><noscript></noscript><br><br>
<b><script language="JavaScript"><!--
var Greeting = "Hello";
var Today = new Date();
var CurrentHour = Today.getHours();
if (CurrentHour < 12) { Greeting = "Good Morning"; }
if (CurrentHour >= 12 && CurrentHour < 17) { Greeting = "Good Afternoon"; } if (CurrentHour >= 17) { Greeting = "Good Evening"; } document.write(Greeting); //--></script><noscript>Hello</noscript>, '.$NamePrint.'


Quote (macat)

I took out the logo code on the Good Morning Block [ <img src="'.$Settings['SPL'].'" border="0" alt=""> ], and now I can't figure out how it goes back in so I can put my own logo in. Can someone please paste the whole block code here so I can replace my broken one ... Thanks!!!

Posts: 13
May 19, 2008 @ 11:40am
Thanks 45!!

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