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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > Table marked as crashed

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Table marked as crashed
Started December 27, 2008 @ 7:09pm by h
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Posts: 17
Table marked as crashedDecember 27, 2008 @ 7:09pm
I woke up happy to tinker, and then I saw this:
Table './atrocity/core@002dRecentActivity' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

any input would be helpful, will send info for account if needed. Did not see any other threads that related.

Posts: 625
December 27, 2008 @ 7:32pm

That's a MySQL issue on the server side. Occasionally tables and databases develop issues like that, we've had it happen once or twice before on various projects.

If you have PHPMyAdmin available you can go in there and repair it pretty easily on your own (navigate to the list of tables, then check the box next to that one and select Repair from the dropdown at the bottom -- at least that's what it looks like in my version!). If you don't have that available, you could ask your host to do it (it's really called core-RecentActivity, not quite sure why the name looks different there). And failing those two we could give you a little script that drops that table and re-creates it (there's no really useful data stored in there, just sessions for guests and logged in users to track where they are on the site).


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Posts: 17
thanksDecember 27, 2008 @ 7:37pm
I was just figuring out it was entirely a server-side issue...was going to duplicate table, rename and all that....until you pointed me to the "repair" button...


Last Edit: December 27, 2008 @ 7:38pm by h

Posts: 13
January 30, 2009 @ 10:16am
I think this is very similar to what happened to the table in my database and when I tried the repair I got this message:

spydsvt_dva.#mysql50#core-RecentActivity repair Error Incorrect key file for table '#mysql50#core-Recent...
spydsvt_dva.#mysql50#core-RecentActivity repair error Corrupt

Same thing with the core-Users table, tried repair and got this message:

spydsvt_dva.#mysql50#core-Users repair Error Incorrect key file for table '#mysql50#core-Users'...
spydsvt_dva.#mysql50#core-Users repair error Corrupt

Any Ideas how to fix this????

This is what the home page says


Really need to know how I can fix this or if it is even possible, thanks for any help!!!

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