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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > News & Info > FlexCMS Information > COMING SOON: FlexCMS 3.0

FlexCMS Support Forum

Started December 30, 2008 @ 11:41am by otter
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Posts: 177
COMING SOON: FlexCMS 3.0December 30, 2008 @ 11:41am
The FlexCMS development team is pleased to announce the upcoming release of FlexCMS 3.0!

Look for it to be released during the first quarter of 2009!

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Posts: 177
WHAT'S NEW IN 3.0March 29, 2009 @ 2:50am
Hello Everyone!


Listed below the New Features as well as Bug Fixes included in this release.

FlexCMS 3.0

- New fully-featured WYSIWYG editor (Pages and Blocks)
- New file manager (integrated with both the new editor and directly from the control panel)
- Ability to edit an existing page and save it as a new one
- Maintenance Mode with customizable message and ability to still allow certain user levels access
- New timestamp function now added to all areas of the site, allowing dates and times to reflect a site based in a different timezone than the server
- Ability to set a longer page title for use in browser titles (while not making a mess of emails, printable pages, etc)
- Ability to set browser title, meta keywords, and meta description on a per-page basis (overrides site defaults if entered)
- "Edit" link now displayed on pages the user has permission to modify
- Usernames can now be looked up by email address (emailed to user at the address on file). To accommodate this, accounts are now limited to one per email address.
- New Templates

- New WYSIWYG editor for newsletter messages

- Google Checkout now available as a payment option
- Ability to tax shipping & handling charges
- Updated USPS pricing (January 2009)

Forum / Message Board
- Avatars added - Users can upload their own and/or select from admin-defined list
- Larger box for composing/modifying messages
- Pop-out boxes for easier image, URL, and email address insertion
- URLs in plain text converted to clickable links
- User signatures added (displayed at the bottom of all forum posts and on profile page)
- Ability to view all posts by any user (link located on their profile page)
- Updated user profile page layout, including number of forum posts per day and % of total, last message posted, and link to view all posts by this user
- List of threads in a board now split out into pages (number per page may be set in the preferences)
- New Smilies

- Ability to set a future date and time for article to become visible on the site (remains hidden until that point is reached)
- Ability to hide the posted date and time on article
- Posted date now displayed in main list of articles (unless hidden using the option above)
- New WYSIWYG editor also available in articles
- "Edit" link now displayed on articles the user has permission to modify
- Easily create an RSS feed from your articles

Photo Gallery
- Ability to set the order galleries appear in by entering a Priority number (sorted from low to high). If the priorities are the same or not entered (defaults to zero), the galleries are sorted by title and then by date created as they previously have been.

Bugs Fixed

- Now fully compatible with both PHP 4 (4.3.0 or higher) and PHP 5
- Members list columns now sort correctly
- Fixed cookies variable change that prevented logins after installation on some systems
- Removed MySQL default charsets that caused installation errors on some systems
- Fixed problem adding images to block wizard links on systems using Windows query string patch
- Email address set to verified when Lost Password process is successfully completed, or the profile is edited and saved by an admin
- Fixed problems with usernames containing upper case characters when using Lost Password and other areas
- Login link after successful email verification now works correctly
- Saving changes to Edit Profile to set a new password after using Lost Password keeps you logged in (previously required you to log in a second time)
- Fixed occasional unreadable colors on smilies administration section
- Login link on registration page now retains the return URL
- Registration pages have been adjusted so Mozilla/FireFox doesn't pre-fill the username and password fields with the current user information when creating a new user account as administrator

- URLs now properly converted to clickable links

Counter & Stats
- Newer browsers and operating systems now identified correctly
- Similar browser versions grouped together for more meaningful stats
- Reverse IP lookups now cached to prevent timeout issues with "Users & Guests Breakdown" report on higher traffic sites, and speed up the report page loading

Forum / Message Board
- Fixed occasional unreadable colors on board & category administration section
- Fixed errors resulting from certain incorrect combinations of board codes
- Forum code can now be inserted around a selection in Mozilla-based browsers, instead of just at the end
- Long URLs now chopped to a reasonable length so pages aren't wildly stretched to display them (link still goes to full URL destination when clicked)
- Fixed Sticky link disappearing on thread creation preview.

- Preferences dropdown for displaying actual stock had an incorrect label

Photo Gallery - Rebuild thumbnails function didn't work when the StorageLocationLocal box was empty

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Last Edit: April 1, 2009 @ 2:58am by otter

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