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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > News & Info > FlexCMS Information > FlexCMS 3.2 Released!

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FlexCMS 3.2 Released!
Started April 28, 2010 @ 11:39am by otter
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Posts: 177
FlexCMS 3.2 Released!April 28, 2010 @ 11:39am
We're pleased to announce that our latest version of FlexCMS, v3.2, has been released!


- Code Snippets function created to allow for easy insertion of pre-made blocks of code, either HTML or PHP. Can currently be added to pages, blocks, and articles.

- Support has been added to use an SMTP server (for hosts that modify or disable the PHP mail() function [GoDaddy for example blocks mail with modified headers, which are required for HTML messages], or require mail sent through a different server) for outgoing mail messages, along with the existing PHP mail() function. Mail section added to Modify Site Preferences section to modify settings.

Menu Blocks

- "Edit" link now displays on blocks when user has permission to modify it for easier editing.

- Save As New option now available when editing a block to easily create a copy

FlexCMS Modules

Counter & Stats

- Added section showing page views by week over the last 20 weeks (an accurate way to compare short term traffic patterns, as things such as number of days in the month are removed from the equation)

News & Articles

- Save As New option now available when editing an article to easily create a copy

- Options added for articles sort order (on top level and individual categories) -- two sort levels, options are Publish Date New>Old, Publish Date Old>New, Title A>Z, and Title Z>A

Photo Gallery

- New photo browsing look similar to other "lightbox-style" galleries

- Photo thumbnails now displayed when managing photos

- User groups have been added allowing galleries to be viewable only by selected users, in addition to overall levels

- "Edit" and "Add Photos" links displayed on galleries user has permission to modify for easy administration.

- Options added for main gallery index layout (left/right/alternating thumbnails and table width) -- previous configuration was alternating thumbnails with 400px width

- Ability to set the order photos appear in by entering a Priority number (sorted from low to high). If the priorities are the same or not entered (defaults to zero), the photos are sorted by title and then by date created as they previously have been.

Forum / Message Board

- User groups have been added allowing boards to be viewable only by selected users, in addition to overall levels

- "Edit" link now displays on board when user has permission to modify it for easier editing.


- Edit link now displayed on product detail pages when logged in with permission to modify them

- "Remove" checkbox added to View Shopping Cart page

- Options added to allow for one, two, or three customization fields on a per-product basis, with customizable column heading labels, as well as controls over the display size and maximum character length for the input fields

- Discount coupon options now available including "amount or percentage off orders of $xx or more" and "amount off shipping on orders of $xx or more", with customizable coupon codes and start and end dates

- Customer and administrative order emails are now in HTML format and greatly improved from their previous text-only version

- Removing an item/option now converts it to inactive rather than actually deleting it from the database (to preserve it for details and correct calculations on previously placed orders)

- View Larger Image now functions correctly if a mix of image sizes are used on a single product (just the ones with larger versions are shown in the pop-out window, previously none of them displayed when the window was launched from an image which didn't have a larger version)

- Users can now view their order history and status via a link in their control panel. The payment process has also been greatly improved with users now being able to change payment options or make additional payment attempts rather than having to re-submit their order.

- Printable offline payment form has been streamlined and now correctly displays using the font face and size used on the rest of the site

- Similar and/or Related products may now be displayed below product details to show customers possible alternative products (such as a different size or style), and/or related/complimentary products (such as accessories and supplies)

- Shipping rates can now be previewed by customers before having to login/register

- Search function available for products in the store



- Bug in Restore section not displaying available backups in the list has been fixed.

Menu Blocks

- Issue with entering contents in a custom block and then switching it to a Block Wizard block (which caused the block to be corrupt) has been fixed.

File Manager

- Fixed issue with file names containing double quotes

- Uploading a file containing spaces, quotes, double quotes, or slashes, now replaces those characters to make the file name web friendly

FlexCMS Modules

Counter & Stats

- Daily page views projection number made more accurate using recent visits data (% of traffic received by current time instead of simply the % of the day completed).

News & Articles

- Bug on alignment of category descriptions fixed (only affected sites where category titles and descriptions were different)


- Problem with messages being sent to unconfirmed addresses under certain conditions has been corrected.

- Message type selection now defaults to HTML when composing a new message, and re-sets to HTML when turning the editor back on. Plain Text option still available if required


- Bug on modifying an existing shipping method where values of 1,000 or more caused the numbers to be truncated after the first comma has been fixed.

- Bug on removing existing product items/options wouldn't actually delete them has been fixed.

- Bug causing the "Show Products Without Prices?" dropdown in the store to always display as "No" even when set to "Yes" has been fixed.

- Code updates have been added allowing products without prices to be displayed as initially intended. Products without prices display text asking the customer to contact for information rather than an Add To Cart button.

Want to be notified immediately when we release new versions and updates? Just sign up for our enews!

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Last Edit: May 1, 2010 @ 11:06pm by DCSun

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