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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > file manager

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file manager
Started May 13, 2010 @ 11:54am by Wolf
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Posts: 11
file managerMay 13, 2010 @ 11:54am
I'm working on configuring the file manager settings for our newsletter manager. We want to give him permissions to upload pdf files to a "/newsletters/pdf/" directory.

The directories have been created.

The following permissions for the /newsletters/ directory:
minimum level required to modify folder: 1
minimum level required to add files: 1
minimum level required to add folders: 1
minimum level required to view: 1

The following permissions for the /newsletters/pdf/ directory:
minimum level required to modify folder: 100
minimum level required to add files: 3
minimum level required to add folders: 1
minimum level required to view: 1

I, as superuser, am able to upload/download files to/from it using the file manager.

I created a block that queries the new file table and builds a dynamic list of files in the "/newsletters/pdf/" directory, with links to download the files.

I created a new account level (03), checked the following permissions: newsletter, file manager, upload plain text, and upload office/document files.

Created a test account and assigned level 03 to it. When I login using that account and go to control panel, I don't see a File Manager link.

My question, is there something else I need to set to activate the control panel file manager link for level 3?


Posts: 625
May 13, 2010 @ 4:36pm

There's a "File Manager" permission available, did you add that to the user level yet?


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 65
YeppersMay 13, 2010 @ 5:05pm
Sure did...

I created a new account level (03),
checked the following permissions:
* newsletter,
* file manager,
* upload plain text, and
* upload office/document files
and assigned that to the user account.


Posts: 625
May 13, 2010 @ 6:30pm

It looks like we have a small bug where that option doesn't display even when they have the correct permission unless they have either blocks or pages permissions as well. I've fixed that on your site and we'll include that in the next release.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 65
Thank youMay 13, 2010 @ 11:19pm

Thanks for the update and the fix! Hope you have a great evening.


Posts: 65
Another item?May 14, 2010 @ 12:14am

Thanks for the file manager fix, my test account is now able to see the file manager link in it's control panel.

I increased the File Manager Upload Size Limit first to 3072 and then 4000 KBytes.

But the File Manager Window displays this text at the bottom: Maximum File Size: 2048 KBytes

As a test, I am attempting to upload a PDF file of 2715 KBytes to the /newsletter/pdf/ directory.

I receive this error message from File Manager and the upload fails...:

File could not be uploaded (unknown reason) -- most likely it exceeds the limit of 2097152 bytes (2,048 Kbytes) and couldn't be uploaded

It seems as if file manager might not be honoring the filesize set in the site settings field.

Or perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place to increase the limit?



Posts: 625
May 14, 2010 @ 10:17am

There are a couple things that set limits, FlexCMS itself and also PHP. The file manager reads both of them and picks the lowest limit, since that's the one that's going to be in effect. Have a look at your PHP Info and see what that says for the file upload caps, I'm guessing they'll be 2M. The good news is they should be easy enough to change.

I think everything is working correctly there but if you think there's something wrong with how FlexCMS is reading or comparing the limits let us know and we'll look into it for you.


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Posts: 65
phpinfoMay 14, 2010 @ 11:13am

I checked phpinfo and it's set to 2M upload size... and I'm only trying to upload 3Kb


Posts: 65
Other suggestions?May 26, 2010 @ 1:05pm

Haven't heard back regarding File Manager file upload size limitation...

I'm still being limited to 2048Kb upload. I checked phpinfo and it's set to 2M upload size, my site preference upload size is set to 4000Kb... and I'm only trying to upload 3Kb


Posts: 625
May 26, 2010 @ 1:55pm

Sorry I must have misread that, I thought it was 3MB you were trying to upload. It's possible it's due to something else as well. That error occurs when the file size is 0 or not present, which can either be an upload/timeout problem, or a problem creating/moving the file. Does this happen in other directories and/or with other files?

Regarding the upload limit, if you've increased it in the FlexCMS side and it's still 2MB, you'll need to adjust your PHP configuration to increase that. It has limits of its own as well, and FlexCMS picks the lowest of the two.


FlexCMS v3.2 Has Been Released!

Posts: 65
May 26, 2010 @ 4:05pm
I think we're still not talking the same info...

I'm trying to upload a file that's ... 2,715 Kilobytes
I set flex filemanager to ............ 4,000 Kilobytes
My php upload limit is ............... 2 Megabytes

I've uploaded other files that are below 2,400Kb to the same directory and they loaded fine.

Posts: 625
May 26, 2010 @ 10:14pm
The lower of the two limits is the one that's going to apply. FlexCMS reads the PHP limit as well to figure out which one to use. Since PHP's is 2MB, that's the one that's going to need increasing if you want to upload anything more than 2MB.


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