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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > FAQ's: General > How do I use my own logo instead of the FlexCMS logo?

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How do I use my own logo instead of the FlexCMS logo?
Started June 11, 2004 @ 12:51pm by otter
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Posts: 177
How do I use my own logo instead of the FlexCMS logo?June 11, 2004 @ 12:51pm
First, you'll need to upload your logo to your web server.

Next go to your Control Panel and under Edit Site Content, select the Menu Blocks link. Then click on the Edit link in the Logo block.

Scroll down to the Custom Block Contents area and delete all the coding in this area. Then type your logo URL and HTML code (see example below) into the Custom Block Contents.

Custom Block Contents:

<img src="http://www.yourdomainname/imagefoldername/yourlogo.gif">

Make sure you UNCHECK the Process PHP Code box located under the Custom Block Contents area.

And finally, click on the "Save Changes" button and you're good to go!

ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR FLEXCMS IN MAY: FlexCMS Basics (101), Sat., May, 15, 2010 & FlexCMS Blocks (Mon., May 10, 2010).

Last Edit: June 15, 2005 @ 6:39pm by otter

Posts: 625
June 11, 2004 @ 12:52pm
For those feeling technical or lucky, there's also a block of PHP code commented out that should let you use a different logo when the background is dark, light, or medium. It probably needs some tweaking but it may be something to build on or at least play with.

You can also use a more standard approach and still have a logo that matches the template. First make logos to match the templates you want to use, and place them in the corresponding template folders (all with the same file name, like logo.gif). Process the block as PHP (and of course make sure it's correct PHP code, with a print command at the start, single quotes on the ends of the code, and a semi colon at the end), and for the image tag use something like


<img src="'.$TemplateImagesURL.'/logo.gif" border="0">

That will pull logo.gif from the template directory of the currently in use template, so you can change templates at any time without messing up your matching logo. If you want to use the same logo for all the templates, you can use $ImagesURL instead (and put the file in your images folder instead of with the templates). If you wish to link the logo to the home page, linking it to $IndexURL will make sure it always points to the home page even if you change the name of the script.

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