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Home > FlexCMS Support Forum > User Help > General Support Requests > Using TAGs

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Using TAGs
Started July 20, 2005 @ 10:09am by notdodgy
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Posts: 46
Using TAGsJuly 20, 2005 @ 10:09am
I have found out by a combination of reading the php code and trial and error that FLEXCMS supports some tags e.g.



I assume these would be inserted by the WYSIWYG editor.

I intend to make it available to a blind user, who would need to be able to type in simple tags. (definately not html).

My question is have you documented what all the tags are and how they are used?

Have you thought of adding more useful tags? (Are there some that i just don't know about?)



Posts: 625
July 20, 2005 @ 3:43pm

Yes, there are quite a few other tags besides the bold one. In previous versions they were used in pages, but we've since launched a new html editor with version 1.3, so they no longer appear in the pages section. They do, however, still function if you wish to use them.

I believe this is all of them:


[b] - bold
[i] - italic
[u] - underline

[hr] - horizontal rule/line

[image]http://image_url[/image] - inserts an image
[url]http://link_url[/url] - inserts a clickable link
[url=http://link_url]text[/url] - inserts a clickable link around text or other objects
[email]email@address.com[/email] - inserts a clickable email address with spambot protection


Available colors: black, white, red, yellow, green, grey, burgundy, orange, purple, cream, teal, salmon, blue, pink, navy, lightblue, mauve, limegreen

Font face:
Available fonts: Arial, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Helvetica, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Verdana

Font size:
1-6 (1 being the smallest and 6 being the largest)

In a future version we plan to offer the ability to use custom tags and code snippets, but I can't promise an exact version or date for that function.


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